
Not really. Going with Celsius means we wouldn't have to translate between scales, but we'd lose a decent reference scale in the process. It would be less useful for most people, since Fahrenheit (IMHO) is more practical when dealing with weather (which is what most people use temperature measurements for).

I agree about metric. Not so much about temperature systems. Fahrenheit is simply far more practical in actual everyday usage than Celsius.

fair enough =)

well, it is a beta. not really a 'launch' yet.

whoosh! there went the joke.

I'm not an extreme athlete, just an airsofter, but I still feel like the thought of using a phone as an action cam is incredibly silly. They just don't compare, and no amount of rigging is going to fix the fundamental problems with such a setup.


Anyone who uses 'innovation' as part of their product description is automatically not worth listening to in most cases.

When it's done well it means you get unique worlds on every playthrough. when it's not done well it means those worlds are boring and uninteresting. The developer needs to pull it off right.

facial hair and pipe == hipster? man I'm out of touch with modern culture.

You're clearly watching the wrong shows. Fanservice shows tend to get the spotlight more than I care for, when there are plenty of other series out there.

PC may've invented demos/shareware, but there really aren't that many modern PC games that release demos. It's kind of annoying really. Valve is usually pretty good about it, but most others don't seem to want to bother — or when they do, it's not until months after the game was actually released to begin with.

At home, definitely. I love my 3D displays and have been gaming in 3D for over a decade.

Also, RedBox, Gamefly, etc are for *console* games. I'm not a console gamer. Consoles are also kind of outside the scope of this discussion.

By 'legit' I mean "actual", as in, people do actually do that. Not arguing that it's "right" or "legal".

Go ahead and eyeroll all you want. I'm not rationalizing stealing, because it's not stealing to begin with. It's not even lost sales. If I were pirating without the intent to buy, you might actually have a point, but my steam games list tells another story entirely. All I'm saying is, not everyone pirates simply

Thank you! That was much better/faster than having to sit through a video.

Fucking video posts. Was expecting an actual article, maybe with a list or something. Is there a tag we can use to filter these out?