
they're real sword types.

Keep in mind, Sailor Moon is almost ten years older, too, and didn't have the greatest animation budget either.

net neutrality is mainly about ISPs not having the ability to give special treatment to interested parties for a fee. For example, without NN, you could see a scenario where e.g. Service A could pay Comcast for bandwidth priority, ensuring users of Service A always have the best experience. Meanwhile the competing

Pirated it. This one happened to come out right after a big trip, where I had basically no disposable cash but at least 43GB of disposable drive space. Took two days, but I got it installed, have been enjoying it, and will be buying it on my next paycheck for sure. I did have a bit of a "seriously?" moment upon seeing

can this even be considered trolling?


sure doesn't seem that way from the tone of the article/tagline...

No, no. There are actually Shiny pokemon in the TCG (i.e. properly-colored based on the games' shiny palettes and everything) which are generally worth more than holos. So in the Pokemon TCG at least, the difference between holo and shiny is actually kind of important =)

Happy to be a Prius owner that doesn't give two shits about the planet OR politics.

screen tear... v-sync, yo.


"The set is $65."

tablets are devices that prefer a different orientation depending on how you're using them. if you're holding them in your hands alone, portrait makes more sense, while if you're using one on your lap (esp. with the keyboard/kickstand) then landscape is more natural — and in landscape mode, if you have a keyboard

I will contest #1 and #3.

Really? Talk about self-conscious. I'd have no problem with playing a Gameboy in public.

I can totally feel that.

My favorite of the season so far.

I want these, but they're pretty aged already and basically everyone who is interested already owns them on one platform or another. I can't really justify $10 for them.

Now playing

The OST was friggin' full of them. Trumpets... Trumpets everywhere. Probably my least favorite generation music-wise.