
The issue is, simply changing the code that results in 'character can marry same sex' will also most likely come with numerous other changes that have to be made to ensure that other elements of the game that are affected by gender will function properly. For instance, any scene or game element that is preprogrammed

Had a Touch Pro myself, was pretty great especially with a custom ROM. Eventually the battery puffed up on it and I wasn't going to use it like that =x

Wouldn't matter either way. Can't have anything in Japan that fires a projectile with energy of over 1 joule. This affects things like airsoft replicas and whatnot, limiting their power output substantially compared to places like the US, and would certainly make a 3d printed gun illegal regardless of actual gun laws.

It all depends on the implementation and project handling and whatnot. I am inclined to assume the worst when it comes to large commercial software development projects.

Please just stop. You're horrendously mistaken if you believe anything in a big commercial video game project is going to be as simple as altering a simple Boolean comparison. In an ideal world full of perfect programmers that always use the most efficient methods, comment their code, communicate fluidly, keep the

Unless you've got experience on this kind of thing, it's probably better to leave it alone. Too many people think that enabling things like this are as easy as flipping a switch or commenting a line of code or something, but really there's quite a bit that can potentially go into such a change — It might be

Poe's law. This is Kotaku, however, so I am inclined to assume the worst. Deal with it =p

It's actually a three-sided issue. You have people who are vehemently against, people that are vehemently in support of, and people that don't really think about the issue. Nintendo is part of that last group, along with basically every developer (esp. in Japan) that's ever included a marriage mechanic in their games.

You must be a rather inexperienced programmer if you seriously believe it's going to be that simple.

No joke: stayed a few nights at a friend's house during a bad blizzard when we got snowed in. Heating in that house wasn't too good, especially in the room I was staying in. I had my gaming laptop with me, so when I went to bed I put the exhaust side of the laptop under the blanket and stayed nice and toasty.

Happened with me too. Click to quote on the blank space below the list. It will apply your quote to everything in the list. I'm using IE11 on win8.1 if it means anything.

We are disappointed but not surprised by Zenimax's actions and we will prove that all of its claims are false. In the meantime, we would like to clarify a few key points: There is not a line of Zenimax code or any of its technology in any Oculus products. John Carmack did not take any intellectual property from


nah, too tame for a WTAF.

I'm gonna go ahead and say, if one is a window seat, aisle seat gets both. I often find that the window seat is a bit more comfortable due to being able to use the 'wall' for support and finding just the right position for napping and such. Seats without a 'wall' are less comfortable (to me) by nature, so they get

I'm stubborn just because I don't find your viewpoint convincing enough nor your attitude welcome enough? Newsflash: Not everyone will agree with you. Not everyone will agree with me either, and that's fine. Not all people can be convinced of an argument, and not all arguments are convincing to begin with. That

Oh please, don't be so condescending, like I give a damn about attention. All the fear-mongering is just annoying. Everything can be abused. People have been building zipguns out of simple materials for ages. Being made of plastic is nothing special, especially when it can't be produced 100% of plastic components so

I have the opposite experience — I vastly prefer a PC have a PCI[e] card or motherboard wifi rather than using USB for it. USB wifi adapters always feel fragile and I worry about one getting hit from the side or above and messing up a USB port or the adapter itself. I keep a couple USB wifi adapters around at work