
You know what I meant. News outlets have been all over the 3D printing scene trying to drum up fear since 3D-printed guns came into the equation.

You can make a gun that works basically just as well with a number of other methods already. Heck, you can find plans on the internet for building one out of simple parts from your local hardware store. It'd be far easier and cheaper to do that than to go buy a 3D printer and do it that way.

Generally, any gun firing above 550fps is *extremely* rare, as most fields (at least around here) don't allow them. Full-auto rifles are only allows up to around 350-450FPS depending on the location. 50RPS AEGs are also extremely rare — only DSGs, vortex guns, and polarstars are really capable of reaching speeds like

Making 3D printing instantly a lot more interesting/potentially terrifying is a new system that lets you 'print' conductive circuitry. The university students behind it have printed a playable game controller from scratch as a proof of concept.

Outdated thinking. IE hasn't sucked for years, since IE9 at least.

ehhh. I kinda feel like post-GBA don't qualify for the 'cartridge' title, as their structure is that of a 'card'.

Cartridges have more volume to them, and the business end is in a roughly rectangular shape with the circuit board pads along the middle or to one side. The key point being that there is a recessed external

I'll let your points stand on their own because they are good points; I don't necessarily agree with them but I can see where you're coming from. That said, it should be noted that they have in fact updated a review from Not Yet to No — SimCity. So it can definitely happen.…

'Not yet' assumes there is a possibility that things will be fixed. The nice thing about Kotaku reviews is that eventually they go back and update their 'Not yet' reviews to a 'Yes' or 'No' based on whether or not things have improved.

I disagree; they have very different implications and nuances. 'NOT YET' implies the game has potential but there's something getting in the way at the moment that will depend on developer/publisher actions. Bugs, gameplay/balance/etc issues that can be fixed, or promised content that hasn't arrived yet. Those kinds

I was thinking the same thing...

From the looks of things, you seem to be within the margin of error, so it's all good.

though I suppose I did see the signs ahead of time. Slow approach, dog appearing too far away to have actually been hit, the driver BACKED UP afterward.... I was at the very least expecting the dog to jump back up at the last second, but everything after that was just feels abuse.

Was enthralled until I realized it was just a commercial; then the magic was lost. =(

Amusing, but she looks more like a kuudere.

Fortunately, blogs don't have to limit their postings to things within their "focus". Yannick could post breakfast photos and shopping lists and it would still be fair game. Just in case that's not enough to convince, it just so happens that Kotaku has a minor focus in Japanese pop-culture stuffs, and Maru is in the

all I could think of.

@!&$? CIGS? he really wants a cigarette?

It sounds more mundane than that. Seems like the Chinese fellow's job is to determine what is and is not porn, and thus what needs to be censored and what does not. Most likely, the really disturbing stuff has been filtered out long before it reaches him.

Ah, nostalgia. Haven't heard this tune in years (had the MK OST on cassette). Unfortunately the percussion would keep me awake were I to try using it.