
Moreover, she constantly causes Yato crippling physical pain by trying to seduce Yukine. She is told repeatedly that Yukine's impure thoughts will literally hurt Yato, yet she ignores this to satiate her sexual lust. This, combined with her vocal disdain for Yato's way of life, makes her out to be a selfish,

the bag was pretty clearly dropped on the ground.... I doubt the biker had a chance to pilfer anything from it either.

Headphones would probably be a different list, yeah. I'm a fan of the Audio-Technica ATH-A700 set, myself. =)

typically in the context of games, we refer only to spatial dimensions with the D notation, without considering spacetime...

Aren't these studio monitors? That should mean a very even frequency response. I won't complain about mighty bass, but we should be clear about what these are.

That's how I generally see Logitech as well, however they do sometimes have real gems, and the Z-2300 was definitely one of them. My mistake, clearly, was thinking the Z623 would maintain that level of quality.

It doesn't kill your wallet because 1) it's only 25W RMS, and more importantly, 2) it's Logitech, so it obviously wasn't built for precision. I place the Z313 in the same boat as basically all the basic speaker sets you can buy at any Walmart or wherever. This list is reserved for more powerful and/or more

No. Just no. These are garbage. I owned the Z-2300 set for years (still have it in our music room!) and it was amazing. Music sounds great. Very clear, nice bass, good frequency response, gets VERY loud without distorting. After it was discontinued, I bought two Z623 sets, thinking they would maintain that level of

Also, another thing to consider (that I didn't think of before) is that games like Half Life and Smash Bros deal with various types of characters with very different physical builds and even bone structures. That would certainly make it impossible to use standardized skeletons/animations for everything, without

Yup, I remember seeing that a while back, figured that's what you were referring to. Ultimately there are a number of different ways to wire animations to models, and which method is used comes down to what the particular usage scenario is. The methods you're familiar with aren't outdated or obsolete or anything; just

If the engine is also applying dimensional transformations (scaling) on the bones, then it certainly would skew/stretch. I can see why Smash Bros. would use those kinds of transformations, though — some of the characters have moves that literally cause parts of their bodies to stretch, after all. This would likely

For some reason, I find the use of these little green bits for the mini-frills to be one of the more interesting detail touches in this.

looks like it's just a printout. that, or a really low-resolution print dakimakura. In all seriousness, a printout is going to be easier to work with.

Yes, I have done this before. It's part of my job. I work in an industrial environment, and both our management and the suppliers we have to deal with are about as bad with penny-pinching as anyone. We also have a lot of ancient hardware to deal with. We have presses with computers still running NT 4.0, and when I

No, not necessarily. The character models are likely all built around standardized skeletons. Animations are just manipulations of bones in those skeletons. It doesn't matter what shape the person is in, how tall, muscular, etc they are. By manipulating their skeletons, you can apply the same set of animations to any

They're going to be upgrading to Windows 7, rather than 8. There isn't much of a learning curve there for anyone who's used Windows in the past (at the very least, the transition at my company was painless and required no additional training, while the few we tested with 8 were a little more rough). Assuming they skip

"no one's support is free" was part of my point as well; that is, that switching won't really save them that much in support costs. software equivalency isn't an issue of whether they're on the cutting edge of tech, either; just whether they're using things that fill niche gaps. Being IRS doesn't mean they won't have a ton of money, which would then be spent on extensive training for all their (tens of) thousands or however many employees (and IT staff), redevelopment of countless internal applications, development of new applications for cases where there are gaps left by applications they previously used that don't have

html5 is the defacto standard. If people don't adopt it now, it will take that many more years for it to properly catch on in the future. We don't need things like the font tag and tables-as-layout being propagated even further.

your intentions are good, but please for the love of god (or whomever) stop using w3schools. It's one of the absolute worst sites out there for learning web technologies. so much incorrect information, and not enough fucks given to correct any of it =(