
You certainly can get depth from a painting, with a little bit of photoshoppery to fill in the occluded bits.

my now-five-year-old (wow) point was that this almost definitely only removes the UI, leaving the engine in place (because, as you noted, it's used extensively in windows and various apps.)

"Either a word is offensive or it is not."

Depends on the thread and people involved. I think you'll find that there's a number of people who are familiar with all that and quite reasonable to discuss such matters with — but then there's the dudebros that make up the rest. You get to the point where you pick and choose your discussions because some simply

it's japan, they have one of the biggest fan-works cultures in the world... people make porn for everything, and touhou is actually one of the most popular subjects.

You just summarized basically everything on Nickelodeon.

I'm pretty sure i actually said something here, but i can't see it and don't remember what it was. go kinja!

You might want to see if Adam would be willing to compensate you for that bonito, Jesus. This is why I don't like lending shit out =p

DO NOT WANT. As a Rift owner, I feel this is absolutely the worst thing they could've possibly announced. Hoping this is all just a cruel early April Fools' joke.

Yup. Nothing good will come of this.


Idunno man, I would normally agree but in this case I would argue that this probably deserves a metal BGM. Certainly better than dubstep, anyway.

I actually halfway lost interest when I saw all the combat in the trailer. Think I was clinging too much to the 'supernatural mystery' bit and got my hopes up for something a bit more suspenseful and less 'murder tons of dudes'.

Despite the fact that the Xbox 360's controller has become a standard in PC gaming, Microsoft still hasn't got the Xbox One pad working officially with the platform. But that's OK.

idunno lol

You're free to feel that way, and I'll reserve my right to laugh hysterically. The ribbon was a huge improvement over the archaic cumbersome menu/toolbar system that Office had outgrown a long time ago. When the majority of requested features are in fact already in the program, tucked away in endless menus,

That's unfortunate. I've used basically nothing but razer stuff for a decade now, and only just recently did I have any problems, when my old-ass original copperhead finally started having trouble clicking. That's a pretty long lifetime for heavily-used hardware.

If you're already steamrolling, killstreaks just make it easier to continue steamrolling — It doesn't make the experience any less stale; it's just teabagging on top of steamrolling. If you want to make things interesting, give the bonuses to the players who aren't doing so well. This creates a dynamic sort of