
Was there ever?

Well, to be fair, it only resembles a gun in the general shape, and there are plenty of tools that look like guns (and are in fact often called guns — gun doesn't automatically mean bullets!). Red boxy shapes are obviously a common theme in this game, so basically it came down to "let's make the code-gun out of red

Last I checked, killstreak kills in CoD certainly do count toward further killstreaks.

What UX, you mean the same desktop that's always been there? The one that received a number of useful new feature additions in win8/8.1? Since nobody's forcing you to use Metro apps. The solution is simple. Don't use any metro apps if you don't want to — you have that choice!

the gun is how you apply programs to objects in the game. you clearly see the player shooting red blocks in the video to apply the current program to them.

Got your back. Running 8.1 on all my systems and loving it. Ignore the haters, it's just like when Office 2007 was released and everyone bitched about the ribbon. People can't take change at all, no matter how much of an improvement it is =)

I dislike killstreak rewards because rewarding a player who's doing especially well by making it easier for that player to continue doing especially well feels wrong. What's the point in giving an additional advantage to players who are already dominating the battlefield? It just makes the game unfun for anyone who is

Yeah they've pretty much had to go through the whole game with no healing items, a party with pretty crap movesets, and no real control over anything. Kinda puts things into perspective =x

Well, the trolls could always decide to botspam their way over to the PC and store/release all their pokemon. Then everyone would just give up =)

Enough losses and they'll have levelled enough to do it without healing, i'm sure.

I have an original 3DS, bought around the time of its release, and the Zelda special edition XL. Same device, larger screen. Which isn't necessarily a good thing. It's hard to find the 'sweet spot' and I notice banding/ghosting much more easily. The larger screen means larger pixels, and despite what some people say

There are katakana which could be used to represent it. More likely the PM notation is an international standard or something. Japanese often uses roman characters for such things anyway.

Guys this new Kinja is AMAZING.

Last I checked, they don't eat cat in japan.

Unfortunately I have to say that samurai champloo's OP is one of the few that I just absolutely cannot stand.

I've found that OPs are not trustworthy when it comes to spoilers. They often try to explicitly mislead you by showing events and interactions between characters that never actually happen.

Because that's what the International Hydrographic Organization has dubbed it. Until they change their minds (perhaps pending review in 2017), that is what it shall be called.

Haven't seen that myself, but that's annoying that it's happening. Also it seems incredibly silly to complain that 1080p isn't enough. =/

Which is why i said Super AMOLED, and not one of the others. I was going by the article which named Super AMOLED specifically; I've never seen one used in place of another.

Don't know much about how guns work, eh?