
the percentage is a modifier, not an absolute value. Hence, +/- 0% means encounter rate is kept at the normal rate. +50% means you'll encounter 50% more mobs than you normally do. -50% means you'll encounter half the mobs you normally do. +100% means the rate doubles. -100% means the rate becomes zero. Make sense now?

Yeah. He seems like less of a suit, but still seems to have the suit mentality. Though it's hard to tell from his brief appearance.

These guys seem like a bunch of suits who aren't too interested in gaming applications. Color me skeptical.

ARIA strays a bit from what one would consider 'normal', both in its setting and the fact that it does have some of the 'everyday supernatural' element in it. All that said, it's quite a relaxing show.

Let's get this out of the way up front. The Z-5500 is discontinued, and it has been for a long time. Technically it's been replaced by the Logitech Speaker System Z906, but there's a reason that's not the one you're voting on here. The Z-550 have long been regarded as a kind of white whale of affordable 5.1 speaker

When I say 'automatic' I don't mean like "your body does it on its own without your telling it to" or anything like that. What I'm saying is, you're compelled to do it in order for your mind to continue accepting what it's seeing as real. In other words, if you stop doing it, you lose the illusion, and in these types

Yep, exactly right. Somewhere in this discussion I mentioned something about the 'exchange' between the two subjects taking place at every single moment during their linkage period, and this is what I was referring to — at any moment, either of the subjects can decide to 'take the lead', and if the other subject is

Both are grid-based. Honest mistake!

i love articles like these, because they're always followed up with tons of comments from people giving themselves way too much credit. =x

In a manner of speaking, pretty much exactly this =)

Yes, I'm sure they did, but you're still kind of missing the point — it's much easier and actually doing that comes more naturally and obviously when you're wired to the other person's view. That's just how our brains work. If you're seeing the world through another person's eyes, and you move your body to mimic

That's basically exactly what I've been saying. ;p

That could be... very bad XD

There doesn't have to be one person designated as 'in control' — that's something that will just naturally occur in a given pairing of people to some degree. If you tell two people to simply move as they wish in an unusual situation, it's a very likely scenario that one person is bound to be more 'dominant' by nature,

Hah, I see you already thought of it! fascinating stuff! I'd love to participate in experiments like this.

obviously if someone performs a major action faster than the other person has time to react to, the experience desynchs and the effect is lost. That's why in the video you see them moving very slowly, carefully. It's not so much that "A moves arm left, B automatically moves arm left".

I don't believe they were being given instructions at all, and the slow, careful manner in which they're moving supports that theory — you would move differently if you were being given commands to do so than if you were simply exploring movement on your own. This experiment is about exploring 'yourself' as another

What's most interesting about this to me is how peoples' movements sort of automatically synchronize when they're paired up like this. Regardless of gender (though that's an interesting concept in itself), when you see 'yourself' move in a certain manner then you're compelled to perform that motion to keep your

"challenge accepted"?

The problem with that is the definition of 'observer' and 'participant' aren't necessarily so clean-cut. In Gone Home, certainly you're not participating in the events being touched upon, but you are still participating in the game world, by exploring it and piecing together its history. You're still playing the role