plaid gym socks

Her joyfulness is pretty wonderful, isn't it? Weirdly, it's not the nakedness that make the pictures worth looking at—what makes them so compelling is the fact that she's clearly having enormous, mischievous fun. It's oddly charming.

I'm digging her playful expressions. Fully nude with sheer joy across her face, instead of her typical fuck-me-face she makes in photos (or she is told to make - I don't know who is in charge).

The poor family and that poor girl.

25 years ago I lived under one of the oppressive and murderous regimes in human history. I had to lie every day of my life, I was forced to be afraid of my neighbors and felt utmost terror at every encounter with authority. I had to sing songs and recite poetry that honored the glory of genocidal maniacs who were

Wise philosopher says: man who marries mistress leaves job opening.

I do makeup for print and film for a living. I have a few that I can recommend within that color range and for reference, I never need to use a primer with these:

I like that advice— don't help anyone hurt someone.

This is absolutely why I can't get on board with okaying this kind of selfish assholery. In anyways shape or form. What kind of person is proud of breaking up a family, or actively seeks to do so? I had an acquaintance who went full kamikaze for my partner in the final stages of my permanent residency visa being


When my dad was a grad school professor he was poached by a 23 year old grad student. That student is now my stepmother. She loves telling the story of how she went after him. I don't find her story all that charming, probably because it was my home that was wrecked.

When I was young (22) and stupid and easily impressionable, an older male authority figure showed interest in me. He was married, but knew just how to play me - he talked about how unhappy he was, how his wife withheld emotionally, and so on. He did a marvelous job of getting me to feel sorry for him and this was my

True story. How you get 'em is how you'll lose 'em.

Monkey bar dating. Some people are terrified of being single so instead of breaking up with someone they stay until they find a replacement. Most people outgrow this stage sometime during middle school. Less mature, chicken shit individuals never do.

Even if you do 'steal' someone's partner, remember this, if they'll cheat WITH you, they'll cheat ON you.

Don't help someone hurt someone else. Especially don't do so for your own pleasure.

I used to work the Union Square Farmers Market, and that meant showing up at 6 Am or earlier at the park.


I dunno...stabbing's kinda phallic. What if it reads as "This is my Please Do This But With Your Penis" body language?

I don't disagree with her message about male nipples vs female ones, but coming from her it just seems like

You know something has gone too far when when one of the biggest clothing stores in the city is called Jay's Mourning Warehouse.