plaid gym socks

There are too many preschools.


This is almost as bad as the time that neocon shitlord Elvis wrote Viva Las Vegas, which thoughtlessly celebrated the city and totally failed to address its high divorce rates, unstable housing market and contribution to gambling addiction.

You can't say that and not let us know what your Karaoke jam is.

For the benefit of all moms, future moms, and happily child-free friends of moms, I will share the words of my amazing pediatrician when it became clear that breastfeeding was not going to work for me and my son despite my increasingly frantic efforts:

I'm sorry but am I reading this correctly? A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL advised her that milk would come out OF HER ARMPITS??!! This issue has now jumped the shark and I think we can all go home because we're clearly done here.

I would rather fuck the car. Wait, I don't think I got that right.

We've obviously had pretty different experiences traveling, since we were pick-pocketed once and had a second brazen attempt at pick-pocketing that we managed to avoid. Been a target of scamming multiple times. Tourists/newcomers are always a target in every country and culture, so one of the best things you can do

YES. I'm biracial, and it makes me so uncomfortable when people say I'm "exotic". Because really what you're saying is "You're not white...and yet, still, somehow attractive". It's othering and not cool.

So you're roughly the size of a barge?

I am so relieved that someone got laid on her wedding! As a naïve unmarried person, I always thought the whole point of a wedding was to be a celebration of "these two people are gonna fuck the shit out of each other later." Mazel tov!!!

100% do's, not a single don't

You forgot our most sacred dance. The Chicken Dance.

My sister and I shared this Barbie Dream House, and my Malibu PJ had to sleep on the couch on the second floor, which was bullllllshit.

Hey Jude

I'm so very sorry about all of this. On behalf of white people everywhere, can I offer up some of our dances to appropriate, do badly, and take credit for? I think we have... the waltz? The polka? River dancing? TAKE THEM THEY'RE YOURS!

Reminds me of this Tumblr post, captioned "How do I tell my mom that this "minimalist wooden nativity set" she put up just looks like a forest of dildos"

It bugs the shit out of me when people can't be self-aware about what they don't know. Look, I'm not going to try to fix my own car, because I'll just fuck it up. There are professionals whose skills I respect who can fix that shit. If you're a celeb who wants to start a ~lifestyle site~, the best sign you've got a