plaid gym socks

It's not a micropeen! It's a precision instrument.

What? How would that even work?!?!

So, when you expose it do George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Adam West, and Ben Affleck all show up with a 6 pack and a "S'up?"

When I was younger and completely brilliant, I got my ex's signature on my lower back. To show how brilliant I grew, I covered it with a Batman symbol tramp stamp.

I finally broke down and applied for SNAP benefits after nearly a year of being stressed out about feeding us on our income. I worked full time, his work was more freelance.

Well shit. Since we're going by movie science guidelines; why don't I just take this microwave oven, some wire hangers and a toaster, and build a time machine?

13 year old me got a deep pleasure out of hate-watching it. It was on ABCFamily 3p-4p and I got out of school at 3:30. I would literally rush home so I could catch the last twenty minutes of the episode and just sit there reflecting on everything I haaaaaated about the show. Obviously I was a totally normal and super

White people are scared of being in a minority? But, but...why? I mean, it's not like minorities in this country are treated badly...right?

Right? "This just in: According to capitalism, deigning to attract half of the human population surprisingly good for bottom line. Most surprised of all? Business. More at 11."

Is that really "so many"??

I definitely know how you feel, and I've got good news: I have always been attracted to "those guys" and I am coming up on my fifth anniversary dating a guy who is NOT one of those guys.



Counterpoint: Show them a clip from Clueless. Because even if you have on a white collarless shirt from Fred Segal, you will not pass a test if you don't study for it. Wearing your most capable looking outfit has no bearing on intelligence or scholastic achievement, and schools should be more concerned with that than

So the slutty clothes got her the rich guy in the first place... thanks, Teach, lesson learned!

I think I'm starting to like her because she's being different from how she used to be. She had a very lucrative image going and she's changing it and being really vocal about how some of her ideas were messed up. Plus, I love that she's talking about how awesome female friendship is! But yeah, she's not actually a

I absolutely love what Taylor's been up to lately. I know some people think she's pushing the ya ya sisterhood thing a little too much, but building up that network of friends and making them the "family you chose" is so much a part of being in your twenties. What I think is even better is that every time she talks

"The life of a teenage girl is just collateral damage in the messy pursuit of brilliance."