plaid gym socks

"That shit is DANGEROUS. What you need is some high-test opium-derivatives. In comes in a capsule, so it must be okay."

Hillary, the sailor who did the filming was NOT the same rank as the sailors who were filmed.

I like to go to my tried and true in these situations...I spent 36 years NOT recording co-workers in the shower. How hard can it be?

You know, I used to be all, "I shouldn't have to say I have a boyfriend to get a guy to leave me alone! He should respect my decision not to date him!"

After a guy I made out with one NYE sent me like, 10 texts (telling me he was "smitten"), I made up a story about how my boyfriend had been out of town/we'd been a rough patch, and it had been really fantastic meeting him but I felt SO BAD about cheating and every time he texted me I was reminded of my guilt. He sent

When I was single I always used the "my boyfriend and I got back together" excuse. It worked every time because new guy doesn't feel too badly about getting the scissors in favor of someone you have a history with.

If we're talking about appreciating storylines, sure. To the extent that some of this material is also enjoyed as sexual fantasy, I don't think that works. I can enjoy a femslash story for its writing and characterization, but I'm never going to linger over the sex scenes in the same way as I would a story that has at

1.) It is okay to find gay men having sex hot.

I think it's similar in the fetishization, but different in the expected outcome. At least in my experience, so this could obviously be totally wrong.

He molested you. Fuck him.

For those in Philly and its environs, there is going to be a march starting at 1:30 pm on Monday at 440 N. Broad, and progressing to a rally at Independence Hall. The demands of the marchers are :

You have a boyfriend and, someday, you may decide to marry and have children. If you cannot seek counseling and learn to establish boundaries for yourself, do it for those children you don't yet have.

I am 100% against the death penalty in any and all cases. That said, the idea that beheading is "barbaric" is just western racism.

Sweetie, you need to get a good counselor to talk these things over with. I know you feel badly for your father, but it isn't your duty to support him. That doesn't mean you can't be of assistance to him for your own peace of min/self image. But you need to be able set some healthy limits.

Stop it. Set boundaries. You do NOT have to accept it because you are the oldest, most settled, or any other bullshit. When he turns up, tell him firmly he cant't stay, you are sorry. Then stick to it.

Oh for sure. My mother had a running narrative in her head about the glorious childhood she gave her children. And when she was in a good mood, she could be wonderful. But when things were bad, as they were often several times in a single day, they were horrible. She would become and enraged, terrifying monster

"When something, or more specifically,someone, no longer supports the view you have of yourself "

I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.

Food banks are another location that can distribute feminine products! We always try to include some feminine products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc when we donate. Food assistance programs vary by type and location, but in a lot of places you can't use those funds for anything that's not actual food,