plaid gym socks

What a waste of money. 30 grand could have put a couple of those sex dolls through college.

Um, the second letter writer's guy is a piece of shit. Caring for someone with ALS is spectacularly and singularly difficult, physically and emotionally. Never waste another minute of your life interacting with that man, and do look into a visiting nurse. You need time for yourself, whether it feels like it or not.

Before finishing: Respite care! Please! It's vital to the well-being of care-takers that they take advantage of any and all opportunities to receive respite care from skilled workers or facilities. Second LW sounds like she has money, but even if she doesn't have enough, hospice and related services can offer free or

Naturally. They had Edith Head looking after them.

If they're not the most insecure, they're certainly the most nauseating.

The people who brag the most about how #blessed they are are the most insecure in general, not just in relationships, right? It's the whole "lady doth protest too much" thing.

I said this over the Gawker piece about this, but over the years, I've somehow inadvertently become friends with a lot of swingers and, in turn, met a lot of their swinger friends (despite not being a swinger myself- I swear!). My friends, obviously, are cool people, but their swinging associates are by and large a

Pumpkin lattes bring white girls to the yard.

Next thing you're going to be trying to tell us is that she doesn't even have a yard.

So if milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard, do smoothies bring the girls to the yard?

I don't like milkshakes. Does anybody want this milkshake?

I believe you mean you'd wait a week in the Red Tent for it.

This was horrible. I mean these fans were having a good time minding their own business, when all of a sudden a bunch of strangers barge in invading their space, trying to force their beliefs on them, calling them names and leaving the fans feeling totally denigrated and completely attacked.... wait...

Attention bad tippers: Paris Hilton is now a better person than you are. BOOM.

Pheobe Gloeckner, a woman whose comic about her own sexual abuse was once confiscated as "child pornography" wrote an amazing, complicated and hard to read book based on her own diaries, expanded and fictionalized, called "Diary of a Teenage Girl."

A fan once told Gloeckner that she wished "Diary of a Teenage Girl"

And not act like you're "babysitting" when you're taking care of your own kids. Changing diapers and doing laundry is not "doing your wife a favor."

I think you missed some of the essential points of the piece. If you only use clearly definable metrics like income and level of education, then no, not all women could "date equal," but that is an impoverished way of thinking about relationship equality.