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I totally disagree (I'm a married 32-year-old woman; my husband is 33). When someone's age is very different from yours, you have fundamental differences in life experiences— self-actualization, career, friendships, etc., plus formative cultural experiences (if you don't understand 90s grunge, you'll never understand

I dislike the idea of virginity being given a monetary value, but I have some sympathy for women who live in cultures where not being a virgin seriously impacts the odds of getting married and not being able to find a husband seriously impacts a woman's standing in society.

Just bc sexual purity is valued high in another country like India (for ex) does't mean you are not "attuned" on understanding it. No, it's just as gross over there as it is here ad is rooted in the same archaic bullshit that a woman is only valuable when she is pure. And it's okay to say so without being wishy

Stereotype = wishfully perpetuated by old guys who're desperate to convince the 20-year-olds that all women like older men.

Who the fuck are these creepy-ass dudes?

The unexpected fees sometimes associated with public schools are oftentimes prohibitive for certain families. I remember being ridiculed by my math teacher on a daily basis and eventually booted down to the lower class (which I had already passed) because the TI-whatever calculator was just a completely impossible

Back when it happened, I recall someone commenting about the poor care that led to Michael Jackson's death. Somebody who said they worked in the medical field said something to the effect that celebrities typically do NOT get good medical care, contrary to what you might expect.

Gasoline is a base rather than an acid. The bad thing about basic materials in the eye is that they are very difficult to wash out so they can do damage for a very long period of time. Even when you think you've washed it all out, there still could be some there. (I'm a pediatrician, we doctors would rather see

A friend of mine was stopped at a red light when the occupants of a car in the next lane threw a bag of trash out their window. My friend hopped out of her car, scooped up the trash and knocked on the passenger side window. A startled man lowered it and my friend handed him the trash, saying, "Here you go. You dropped


An animal wouldn't care. Only humans are so cruel.

I think in a lot of cases it's because the attacker is a damaged person who is looking for what they perceive to be a weak target. A whole car of men singling out one guy and attacking him is a sad and cowardly act. Instead of doing what normal meatheads do and picking a fight with another group of meatheads they

I think people pick gay men as targets because those people are fucking terrified about one or many things and it is easier to harm someone else than heal yourself.

I think that the reason people like that pick gay men as targets for their hatred is because those people are cowards and they think that gay men are weaker, won't fight back, and won't have community support if the attack is reported. It's the same reason people bully women, racial minorities, and sexual minorities.

Ewwwwwww. Guy really needs a few kicks in the balls.

Your guidelines are excellent, but if you have the discipline to maintain them, then you're smart enough to find non-violent penalties that will work just as effectively.

How am I supposed to start smoking if my doctor won't recommend a brand of cigarettes?

Corollary to this: a lot of the people that say "my parents beat me and I turned out great" are not such wonderful poster children for that theory as they seem to imagine.

I know! Or lets remake this 'foreign film' because it's not in English and I can't handle that,