plaid gym socks

Okay, so that video was like a 3 second clip replayed a bunch of times. I FEEL SHORTCHANGED BECAUSE I WANTED MORE BABY PIG FOOTAGE.

Gif party everyone! The theme is animals outdoors.

I think it's important that we keep schools underfunded to all hell, even if it means feeding kids rotting food.

This is especially awful when you consider the fact that for many students under the poverty line, this is the only meal they may get all day. So while it's horrifying for any child to be served rotten food, it's all the more horrifying when you consider the number of students who can't just go home and make up for

"I insist that johns pay me in books. The jig is up, you caught me!"

Woot! Etymology distraction! Cop is a verb meaning to take or nab something, and 'cop-out', a failure to take responsibility or ownership, comes from that. Copper/cop the slang for police officer is also believed to derive from this word instead of the other way round. The copper=policeperson, copper=metal is just

Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to stop occupying this same plane of existence.

I hate the term "biracial couple". Hate it, hate it. Just call it couple, people. The fixation people have with race in America is unbelievable. Even so called liberals will ask what is your ethnicity before asking your name. Every. Damn. Time. "What are you?" Is what they ask. Excuse me? What do you mean what am I?

Call my Pollyannaish, but I think it's progress. This stuff used to happen all the time and no one even heard about it. Now it happens and (albeit not enough) people get outraged. Step by step, little by little, we make progress every day.

I think because we are actually moving so forward that a few assholes are going to try to push back again as a form of tantrum or statement. But there is nothing they can do to stop the progress because there are less and less of them now. The fact that this is on the news causing outrage highlights that the world

We're not regressing. We're progressing. This shit has gone on since time immemorial. The proliferation of cell phones and social networks has thrown a spotlight on it. We're just a lot more aware of it now, which means something can be done about it.

Did anyone read the Buzzfeed article on this?

I don't think we're regressing. I think it has always been this bad, and was even worse in the past. The difference is that in 2014, incidents like this blow up on the internet. This isn't a top story in traditional news outlets, and never would have been in the past, but blogs and social media mean this incident will

Seriously, all the folks who think that the issue stems from Watts' refusal to give her ID rather than the police officers accusing a black woman of "criminal" activity because she dared to be romantic in public can fuck off.

Happened to me in NYC. The only thing that shut down the questioning was the fact that they suddenly noticed that I was carrying a massive fucking bag with my laptop and about 4 books (seems an inconvenient thing to carry around while working). A massive bag that it took 10 minutes (or what felt like 10 minutes) to

As awful as it is, this is probably progress. More people are becoming aware of something that they weren't aware of before. This harassment of POC is nothing new.

Hmm, I wonder if they'll make a movie about my life...


Any vagina-derived name would also serve as a great sci-fi character or planet name. To wit: