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Seriously, revenge porn bothers the shit out of me so much. I wish everyone who is a rabid consumer of these revenge porn sites gets punched in their genitals.

In my very personal opinion (based on experience, as a child, but an opinion nonetheless), one of the biggest reasons domestic violence is rarely appropriately punished, and one of the biggest reasons women struggle to leave, is that domestic violence is seen as one of those things that is personal and between the

Yeah, that's the biggest question I had also. The thing is, the details they reveal to the public/media at this phase are so restricted, we may not know for awhile. I had a whirlwind of guesses/assumptions (which really aren't fair to him at this point, honestly). My first guess, if he knew this guy (who would later

I've worked with the $ of people making 400k and more and I've known a few who lived paycheck to paycheck with as much seeming desperation for each check as people making under 30k. I don't feel sympathy for it but I do understand it better having seen enough of how it happens.

Ugh. My family (of four) is far from poor but we don't take a fancy vacation every year. We go stay with relatives (free lodging) once a year, and that's usually it. We took a big European vacation once — and even then we stayed with friends. $12K can go a long way toward other things, like lots of little road trips.

I honestly do not get how the "keeping up with the jones'" kind of lifestyle seems to set in. My partner and I make a good living, not 400k a year good, but pretty good and I'm the first person to say we're incredibly privileged. I know more than a few couples making 50% more than us (or more) who talk about how broke

I'm not going to defend $12,500 for a family of four as a bargain vacation, but it's hardly jet-setty either. If you want to go a specific place at a specific time—particularly a cosmopolitan international city with a weak exchange rate, during the summer when your kids are out of school—you could hit that mark

Know what makes a person feel even poorer? Not having any money for vacations and new cars and private schools and million dollar homes

This is a joke, right? When am i supposed to start laughing?

"You see, I don't have a lot of money left after I spend it all!"

Okay fellow upper middle class white (and other ethnicity) people, I'm going to explain how not to feel like you're poor. You aren't poor, after all, so there is actually a way to avoid it for you.

Difference: when you make $400k per year, you can cut expenses and still have leftover money. When you make $9/hr, there is nothing to cut.

Obviously the poor folks should just sell some of their property. They don't need that expensive car, but a low cost fuel efficient one. They don't need vacations, stay at home. I bet they even smoke cigarettes, have a cell phone, and pay for cable. They need a lesson in bootstraps.

If you are paying ~$200/night (at the high end, once you subtract airfare) and are staying at nice hotels, your travel footprint must be pretty limited.

Yes, when you spend ALL the money you make, you will, as a result, not have any money. Solution: spend less money.

6'4", 250. Evasive enough to make a fast retreat. Wears school apparel.


It would enough of a threat if anyone found out. The fact they decided to make him imposing physically means they want her to be the victim and for the audience to make her into one.

I like how even in a movie where the child-molesting teacher is a woman, she still manages to wind up as the victim.

This is highly HIGHLY distasteful.