plaid gym socks

uh, Erin, sometimes they wear pink gloves for breast cancer awareness so who's the REAL lady-hater, huh.

I used to write a column for Portland's alternative weekly about my adventures driving a cab at night. I thought some of you might enjoy the first one:

I drove a cab in Portland for a few years, where cabs are dispatched, rather than flagged down. I had SO many women ask for my cell number, so they could call me directly. Dancers in particular, had horror stories of guys trying to get, umm, alternate payment.

It's almost as if gay people can be gay without it being a huge defining trait in their personality and/or storyline.

I'm a master of passive agression. Though I do get into flame wars from time to time.

This is exactly why I don't use Facebook. That way I get to live in a fantasy world and pretend that my casual acquaintances and old friends don't have a bunch of stupid, awful opinions about stuff.

Hmm. I woulda been tempted to say "wow, that's a heartless thing to say about someone who lost a VERY wanted baby to ancephaly. I can't imagine being in that situation and hope I never have to."

Hey, Jezzies - so I am having trouble deciding what to do with my life.

I haven't really been feeling good since the last week of August. I am definitely heading into some depression, and today was just a mess of anxiety and this vague sort of dread. I got a promotion at work, it mostly just means a buttload more responsibility, and twice as much work, but I will be guaranteed 40 hours a

Jezzie parents: I don't have any children, but my bff does. Her 3 and 1/2 year old constantly interrupts when we're talking. I know enough to know that 3 and 1/2 year olds do this, they're just discovering that they're not the center of the world etc. My problem isn't with him. My problem is that when he does

I went to church for the first time in years today! I looked up Unitarian-Universalist churches in my area about a week ago and I went today. I had read about them on here last year in the comments and then again recently, which renewed my interest. I absolutely loved it so thanks everyone! I'll be going back next

I used to draw all the time and was super creative. The creativity, however, was part of my depression. For a long time I resisted treating my depression because I knew it would have an adverse effect on my art.

Also people who have been under anesthesia a lot have an increased risk. This is surgery warnings 101.

It'll be interesting to see what the investigation turns up. In the meantime, though, we can't jump to conclusions, because there is a high risk with anesthesia in elderly people.

I straight up punched a fundamentalist pastor bastard in the face on the FSU campus one time about 18 years ago - nope I was not a student - just went there that day to see someone (as I was a local) and this red jacketed shit head br0ther jed was going off on his schpiel and I just walked up confronted started

I've always found it a great place to spend time, but the climate and prices keep me from living there.

Back at the turn of the '90s, around when Operation Rescue was beginning to gain momentum and make life difficult, there was that "Chain of Life" thing where a bazillion antichoice freaks would make human chains all at a certain time on a certain day.... One morning, I woke up to find a line of a hundred antichoice

As much as that sign pisses me off, it's the 19 year old pious college students whining at the patients that irritate me more. "We will help you!" Such utter bullshit.

Anti-choicers come to my university every year to protest and yell horrid things at people just trying to go to class. One year, they put out a comment board, and my friend, who had no patience left to give, just left a metal coat hanger hanging on it.

Wasn't the argument to get rid of the buffer zones the fact that they needed to have civilized and polite conversation with women entering planned parenthood? That's a lovely example of civilized right there...