plaid gym socks

To everyone saying it is just a joke: That's the point.

"she wouldn't work" = she can't take a rape joke.

I think men/society has not come up yet with a correct notion of what is sexy in a man. Of what's sexy in women we are all very aware, but we have had ages of developing that.

Seven limp dicks flopping around...

Oh, Mark.

Her response:

I just hope women out there learn a very simple lesson from all of this. If you don't want the naked photos that you took in the privacy of your own home posted on the internet then, well, the internet can't ever have existed in the first place. So someone is going to have to take it upon themselves to travel back in

Then — and this is the most important step — you murder them.

I know i'm beating the dead horse when I say that turning a famous woman's body into a commodity is vile and horrible, but I am still never-endingly stunned that when there's an opportunity to help or view her in a human light they can't and resort to seeing the entire matter as a property/copyright dispute.

I had a guy tell me the exact same thing once while I was fighting pre-thanksgiving crowds in Wegmans (a supermarket in Buffalo/Rochester). I turned around and told him (in the spirit of the holiday season) that what I thought would be pretty is "if I took out my pepper spray and lit his a$$ up like a Christmas tree."

God that's good. Reading your response feels like when you're super fucking hungry and then you eat something delicious and then you feel your blood sugar go up, only it's the blood sugar of feminist fury. I need a cigarette after reading that, and I don't even smoke.

I'm just so very glad that we are talking about this problem. That we are being vocal about how it's not right and that we should not have to put up with it.
I was walking home yesterday from the market and some asshole did the "You'd look prettier with a smile" thing to me and I told him he'd be prettier if he just


Time for this again.

Someone (@fmanjoo) made this analogy on twitter

"I'm starting to think we've conflated 'free speech' with 'freedom to bully without consequences.'"

*excuse to post lovely complex gif*