plaid gym socks

"Son of a nigger loving atheist bitch" BOOM HAT TRICK.

I'm trying to sort through my thoughts about this, so perhaps this won't be as well-written as I'd like. I'm a woman in advertising. I'm a creative, and I work on national ad campaigns for all manner of products (no beauty brands at the moment).

It was fun as hell to quote. I think that was its entire draw. Actually watching it was a terrible experience that sucked all of the joy out of my body, leaving it a dessicated husk. Quoting it afterwards was fantastic.

"(Note for the writers of 2026's Garden State reboot: Missed opportunity to have him work at a MALAISE-ian restaurant, imo. Be the change.)"

I feel like Lamprey Mouth wrote this whole fucking movie just so he could use this shot that he'd clearly been wanking over in his mind for like 10 years.

Kids wear diapers and use toilets. Dogs poop anywhere and everywhere they are allowed and do not wear diapers. I regularly step in dog poo (I hope) when I walk down the sidewalk and in parks. Rarely do I see children squatting and taking a dump in front of my mailbox while their parent pretends to be distracted and

We actually had a protester arrested and she now has a special, extra-long buffer zone she has to abide by. All the other protesters have a 15' buffer zone whereas she has a 50' zone. It's fun to watch her stand all by her lonesome across the street while all her 'cool kid' friends get to hover around the door. Serves

Exactly! In my church there are tons of groups that actually do good stuff. We have groups to help immigrants, groups to visit hospitals, groups to teach people about good money management, college applications, sadly we also get all these invitations to join an anti-choice group from a neighboring church. I hate

People who scare women out of medical treatment deserve a special place in hell.

Dude. That is so crazy. It's like, I dunno, you think the police should provide community service in the communities they serve. So strange. Are you taking LSD?

You know, I had this crazy thought.

Man, this is insane. I really feel for this mom and wish she lived in another country where people are not bat-shit insane about requiring helicopter parenting (and maybe where there are more child care options.) I read this article about parenting across the world, just this morning.

"But how can I meet women if I can't stay horrible, inappropriate, and threatening things to them? HOW"

And men wonder why we 'don't just stand up for ourselves'

Yeah, jeez.... I am a woman, and I am generally not afraid to stand up for myself and make a scene in situations like this when I feel it's warranted. And I live in Philly. Both my best friend (also a woman) and I, separately, have gotten into tiffs while standing up for ourselves on that very block. That's as

This is precisely why women are scared of standing up for themselves when being cat called. Not only can harassers go ballistic like this, but they also, usually, cowardly "travel" in large packs.

and here, precisely, is my reason for why I don't respond to cat-calling (not that it happens at my advanced age, but I have had customers be completely inappropriate, like following me around the grocery store) - and the answer to all those assholes that refuse to understand why so many women feel unsafe when

This kinda says everything about the real motivation behind a lot of catcalling, huh?

Hmm, and people wonder why women are so unnerved by catcallers...