plaid gym socks

Can we use this thread to descriptively illustrate the .gifs we would use?

I'm hoping the long term solution is some sort of death ray that vaporizes trolls through their computer screens.

There's entire online communities of ex homeschooled kids, specifically those from extreme religious backgrounds. I'm one of them, and while I had some huge issues from it, my story is mild compared to many out there. I was fortunate to be educated in math and English properly. I "just" had ongoing verbal, emotional,

It would be a little embarrassing if you're unable to find your name in the book at Heaven's gate because you can't read.

I can relate to that girl so much. And it exemplifies everything that is so fucked up about extremist religious homeschooling. I was homeschooled in the fundamentalist/Pentecostal culture, and although I luckily didn't experience the educational neglect aspect (well other than wildly inaccurate science and history), I

I was raised JW and though JW's don't believe in the rapture there are parallels. Raising children with these ideas can have serious repercussions that last the whole of peoples lives. My sister (who was older than I was by 6 years) told me I'd never graduate high school, never need to go to college, get married or

*slams head repeatedly into wall*

Can you explain why Mike Brown was gunned down in the street while James Eagan Holmes, who killed twelve people and injured 70 others after opening fire in a movie theater, was escorted into a squad car?

Every once and while I see something that reminds me why the world needs historians. People have only been thinking that the rapture was just around the corner for oh.... 2000 years or so now... So... why don't you send your kids to school just to be safe.

No, they do still teach multiplication tables. At least they do at my school. Only they're called "math facts" instead and they come in little triangles. Which might be a sneaky way of indoctrinating kids into the idea of the Trinity, I'm not sure.

Aw, you left out the best part of the story.

"In 2006, El Paso Independent School District met with the parents about an anonymous complaint that the children were not being educated. District attendance officer Mark Mendoza later confirmed that one of the daughters, Tori, had run away from home to "attend school," and

Doesn't the Bible say that nobody knows, not even the angels in Heaven, know when the time of judgement is set to arrive? How did these parents know? Nevermind the fact that the Rapture as a concept in Christianity is sketchy at best.

Ha, true. The NY backdrop makes everything look cool. Someone should photoshop those same looks on a middle-american mall backdrop. Or a suburban driveway.

I remember a Bible study in 1999 where a girl broke down weeping over how sad she was that when all the righteous were raptured on NY (or NYE? Unclear even then), my Catholic ass would be left behind because I wouldn't get myself saved in her evangelical church. It was amazing to watch the mania build and build and

If we're going to bring Hitler into it, he had an official Fashion Bureau and saw clothing styles as an ideological weapon. Fashion can be a cultural language that reflects the state of society. I think poking fun at the trends above is interesting because it draws attention to how people try to set themselves apart

Sigh, I just don't get it. (BTW, totally knew it was you, a Southerner, Kelly, when I read "slap out of patience." Love that expression.)

This happened elsewhere several years ago except the dancers made muffins and sat outside of the church handing out coffee and pastries to members as they went into church.

Protest Jesus doesn't support you...different rally but still...

That Mary the Magdalene was a prostitute is a medieval fallacy. They conflated Mary Magdalene with Mary of Bethany and the unnamed sinner who anoints Jesus' feet. Prior to the crucifixion he main thing we know about Mary Magdalene is that Jesus cleansed her of seven demons.