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I signed up for Tinder today… It was packed with popped collars, beer-chugging, and shirtless selflies.

Sarah Palin is unstuck in time.

You could kill two birds with one stone and donate your time instead of money. It's a great place to make friends. Because the unfortunate truth is that charities have ginormous overheads, and vary little of your money actually gets to the people they promise to give it to. You'd be better off just handing random pan is a good source for the financial end of it. What kinds of charities interest you? Children? Animals? Arts/Culture? Saving people in the third world from Ebola? Respectively, I'd suggest Save The Children, ASPCA, PBS/NPR, and Doctors without Borders.

I second the food bank. We do that monthly. And you can do whatever your budget allows. Every little bit helps!

I agree with what PhilipKVagina said about tithing to yourself but if charity is what you want, please find a womans shelter. They are often the most overlooked. Funding for womens shelters in major cities is abysmal. They need money but also clothes, towels, blankets and the smallest things like soap, shampoo,

I like this website for checking out charities, it was recommended to me by a friend who works in the nonprofit world:

I was in your #1 situation a while back. It seems weird... but online! I met a few girls on (we usually come up with a cover story on how we met because we're a little embarrassed)— I now have a good group of 4 great friends! Meeting people after college is so hard!

I'm also living at home for now, and I've epically failed at making new friends. If you want to not be like me, maybe check out different groups on and actually go to their meetups (unlike me)?

a food bank is always great, especially in the summer when the children are not getting free lunches

Check out Charity Watch- they review and research a lot of the charities out there so that you can be informed!

I would secretly tithe into your own personal human fund, aka the getting my own place eventually fund.

Wow, so I'm lonely. New city, don't know many people, both of my roommates are actively dating someone, only part-time work right now so I don't go out in an effort to save's rough, isn't it? I'm a very social person and feed off time with others, but going out with my roommates' established friends is


I am a straight girl and I met a funny, cute straight girl on a plane once. I gave that bitch my Facebook info like one hour into the flight and we've been friends ever since. What was this guy's holdup?!

That's how this pussified nation wants you to feel about his douche-collar. And you fell for it. You fell for it.

That's a very graciously-worded letter.

...maybe we're all supposed to be like that and those who are simply are few and far between.

"For the most part, citizens of richer countries spend a lower percentage of their budget on food eaten at home — logical, considering that more money means more discretionary income. But there are outliers here, too — Russians spends a full 6.5% more than Indians despite their country's economy ostensibly being much