plaid gym socks

The grey haired guy and his wife are my good friends!! Their names are Tony and Chelsea Northrup, they've got a great sense of humor and have been getting a kick out of this Velveeta thing. They're both very talented photographers and you can check out their work here!

People like this Friedman person are a big reason I always felt the need to add, "research psychology, not 'talking about your feelings and making vague conclusions' psychology," whenever I was discussing my major.

I actually have a guy friend who said to me, like a year ago 'you know when girls have a space between their legs when they walk? I think that's so hot.'

That shit is so Florida.

Are they applied by a can?

You can rip my textured nail polish from my cold dead hands!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't be mad cuz yo nail beds ain't cute like mine.


White Dogs Can't Catch

Yay! I actually cheered when she finally got one! Well done Nana!

Some of that may stem from evolving conceptions of what makes one a racist.

weblog? web...log? Oh, you must mean blog.


I love this little girl so much! And I look forward to the video of her watching this video as she watches that video in about eight years...

I'm reading all of these comments as I hold my 4 week old baby boy and one thing comes to mind-expectation. The expectations of parenting these days is that your life revolves around your children and that they become your life. The other expectation is that by virtue of having children you will know what to do and

Whoah! Blown away by this. Maybe it's because I waited until my late 30s to have a kid (and I had a LOT of fun beforehand), but I absolutely love having my daughter! It's the absolute best! I would say it's 80-90% awesome. I had some "maybe I've made a huge mistake!" feelings here & there up to around when my daughter

There's no "and" in the phrase "Two Thousand Fourteen". Your invitations are ruined. Cancel the wedding.

Tip: "Concentrate on something like a dead cat and try to feel it, taste it, smell it. But never think about how your erection is doing."

"Show how jealous you are of the recipient's lifestyle with a totally useless gift."