plaid gym socks

Not that I am anywhere near the vicinity of Barneys or even have the discretionary funds to shop there, but:

It's because these girls weren't protected by the standard child labor laws. Even in Hollywood, there's a limit to the amount of filming child actors can do for a movie or television show in a day, but the same thing didn't exist for model.

Because they are not old enough to be making adult decisions. They are children and as such should be protected by child labor laws.

Yeah so, foreskins are not actually part of the cure. It's just a kind of skin that's extremely shitty at growing human hair (glabrous skin, which is naturally hairless), so it serves as a good way to test the harshest conditions possible.

Put a bird on it.

Or "she refused my boner so I'll make her feel worthless."

He'd be hot if he gained 3 inches.

You know, that quote is really fucked up, especially if you consider the locus of its creation. So Black women have an ugly sexuality? Uhhh....? That's beyond problematic, tbh.

I've grown up hearing this from my mom. She absolutely hates women that believe their own hype, and says "someone must of told them they were pretty once."

I would've responded, "well, you're not good looking enough for me to waste anymore of my time on." and I would've walked away like the flawless bitch that I am. hairflip

"Hopefully y'all ladies can take comfort in the fact there are men, like myself, who gauge a woman's inner beauty as much, if not more, as their outward appearance."

This might be off topic but all my life I have heard that having a good personality makes a person pretty. Normally what makes up a good personality is , smiling a lot and never getting angry.

Audiences couldn't resist the pull of this movie.

Seems perfectly reasonable to cry when parted forever from someone/something you've known for years. Some of us with long hair feel protected by it, we spent a lot of time growing it and deep-conditioning it and attempting Youtube hairdos with it. Also, you may not have noticed this about humans, but sometimes we are

For some people, their identity is tied to their hair. Some women are blessed with gorgeous locks, but not looks. I am one of those. My natural hair is the only thing that makes me recognizable and memorable. When I tie it back vs wear it down, people do NOT recognize or remember my face. It's all I have to feel

Wow check your "I'm capable of baking cakes that don't taste like vaginas" privilege.

So you wanna play with magic

Nope nope nope nope nope. Sluts have personal boundaries that must be respected, just like everyone else. Being slutty doesn't mean you're obligated to fuck everyone, or at first meeting, or at 11am. He assaulted you, his "apology" is bullshit, the two guy "friends" who weren't pissed on your behalf are assholes, and

Just because you enjoy sex and are empowered enough to call youself slutty with pride doesn't mean you have to have sex with every dude you meet or that every dude you meet has the right to have sex with you.

It doesn't matter. Calling yourself slutty isn't consenting to anything. Him pointing that out is the same thing as saying "well your skirt was short and your cleavage was out, so you were asking for it."