plaid gym socks

I have a pattern for making a manosphere that was given to me by a very talented feminist professor I had in the 80's. You can borrow it if you want to give your students a leg up.

But that's true. For their final, my students have been assigned to create manospheres out of popsicle sticks. On the last day we will crush them all in a symbolic rending of patriarchy while chanting hymns to the goddess.

I'll admit - I am going to be late for work because I watched that three times. THREE. And emailed it to my mom. Her poor dog will sometimes bark at her to be let in and my mom will say "go through the dog door!", then realise that the cat is sitting inside next to the dog door, ready to smack the dog in the face when

My mom's cats are such assholes. Every time her little dog (chihuahua-dachshund mix, which everyone just calls a chiweenie...he's friggin' adorable in a hopelessly ugly way) finds a new place he likes to sleep, one of the cats will walk there, stare at him until he backs away, then lay down in it. They never break eye

This is my life. Except the dog is me. A very sad me who sleeps all squeezed up on the side of the bed whilst the cat dominates in the very center. Every. Night.


I don't know much about this—there are, of course, rape crisis centers and sexual violence organizations that do a lot of great work (RAINN, local groups such as the Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation), and I'm sure there are lots of opportunities to get involved. My personal avenue consists of pro bono

Serious question that might not have an answer: What can I, or one, do about this, either this case specifically or just this kind of thing? I'm increasingly horrified and angry over it, but I know that rage or horror in a vacuum is useless and I'm starting to feel like I'm remiss in not actually doing something. The

Why the fuck do you guys post a link to a thread that contains all kind of naked pictures of her? You write an article about how posting images of herself has messed up her life and then you this? Not good Jezebel, not good at all <_<

This is the best piece I've seen on Jezebel in a long time. Loli could have been any one of us. There is no thirteen year old who isn't a potential Loli. Reading this and actually knowing someone in real life who is in prison for consuming images of fourteen/fifteen year olds all I can think is that he deserves every

I hate the word "females" as a noun. I know it's not grammatically incorrect, but it's usually followed with some crazy sexist shit.

I agree with some of the other folks here - just giving a list of really important people isn't what's going to be impressive. You need to be able to eloquently justify who you have picked; you need to believe that they are wonderful.
Pick people who you have a connection with. When I was applying to schools I know I

Let me tell something about that question right now: The admissions committee cares far less about who you hypothetically put on Mt. Rushmore than how you put them there. You can't talk passionately about a figure you know little about.

Hmm, I'd probably suggest people who aren't old white men. Maybe Susan B. Anthony since she did so much for the women's suffrage movement, Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez . . . have it represent more of the rich varied multi-gender and multi-race history of America.

She does sound AWFUL. Fire her immediately.

I also hate the reverse of that, when people replaces "women" with "females." So gross.

While I believe no one's ever too old for Halloween, these parents are acting out of line. Either they have a sweet tooth, or they're trying to get extra candy for their kids, which is unfair to those who don't have hoverparents.

"Hi! Cool costume (or just happy halloween). I don't have that much candy, so kids only please :)" with a southern lady "oh I'm so sweet" grin. You can think "ha, none for you you parasitic fuck" and smile beatifically.