plaid gym socks

Any chance that this is your family photo?

To be fair it is a truly Columbus Day related story. You see, in the same way Columbus discovered America is exactly the same way these women discovered braids. It all fits!

No, in "outbreak" proportions they can usually trace it back to the factory or slaughterhouse, which is what they would be doing right now if they weren't dark. Most minor cases of salmonella like you're talking about — where the meat isn't cooked thoroughly enough or the counters aren't wiped clean enough — aren't

Sigh. I'm just going to quote Maryn McKenna on this one, because seeing blame the victim mentality in food safety is just jaw-droppingly awful:

I said this to LoniManderson just the other day. The schools by us are freaking out and spending all this money for filtering software, but the kids just figure out ways around them, because fucking teenagers are _always _going to be better at us than technology. It's like my nephew, man. You give that kid an old

You need to broaden your scope.

I think it's worse because it's essentially a bastardization of what is normally an act that requires the utmost trust, love, and intimacy. But given that virginity is socially constructed as the utmost virtue for women, it's possible that there's a component of rape's "badness" that feeds off of that societal

Penises aren't dangerous.

when she explained to the local women that what he did was bad

I don't...even...really understand what just happened up there. It reads like the ramblings of a self important nozzle possessed by a Lovecraftian entity whose method of inflicting chaos on the world is to enter their minds, and flick the "off" switch on the filter that would otherwise allow them to moderate their

Augh. My emotionally abusive high-school boyfriend threatened to kill himself in a long and crazy-assed note when I broke up with him. I went straight to my (beloved) Spanish teacher in tears, and she took me straight to the school nurse. Just like health class always taught me to do. He definitely wasn't

How many of these White creepsters have to pop up before Asian women (or hell, ALL women) put a moratorium on going out with white dudes for, oh let's say, 15 years?

Why does it seem that he types like this?

I still fantasize about her to this day, because nationalism is the sexiest quality a girl can have aside from rich parents.

I think this guy had a psychotic break. Seriously. This is terrifying. I'm less inclined to think he is a douche and more inclined to suggest that he has, at best, a severe personality disorder.

AAAAANNNND this is why I have serious, serious concerns about trying to raise a kid in NYC. The parents here be batshit cray cray. It is such a different world from where I grew up. I want to give my kids great opportunities, but I am not murder fucking anyone and sending my 2 year old on interviews for Baby

One of the worst things about people who are Machiavellian and unscrupulous about providing their kids with advantages is that their kids often learn by example.

So you'd be burglar?

Really? You're going to go the 'hot lesbian action' route?

I saw the film. I enjoyed it for the most part, and it was strikingly different in format than any other movie I've seen. The movie has a central theme of overcoming in the face of devastating loss, and I liked seeing resilience win out.