plaid gym socks

I'm going to invoke the reverse Poe's law on that one: A sincere declaration of a crazy opinion is indistinguishable from satire.

well here's some REAL evidence for you, snarky mcsnarkerson: vaccines don't make sense to my tiny brain, so i endanger the lives of my children and the people around them

*waits for the anti vaccine wingnuts to start posting "evidence"*

Babies are cute. Cars are fast. Babies get fast eventually. So...practically the same thing.

So, wait. Some of the comments here don't sit well with me.

Madonna is a virtuoso at being a pop star. That means she might be a less-than perfect singer, or a less than stellar musician and she might be attention-seeking, and she might cling to every trend that comes along, but that's what being a pop star is about. And nobody does it better than her. A 30 year career at the

Oh Madge. The people who play it safe can be happy too. I'm so sick of the dichotomies.

This is how I picture Cher from the movie Clueless as an adult. No joke, yo.

This site is a treasure!!! Look at these dudes:

I'll call this one, especially since he's a smarty-pants who was the director of the American Museum of Natural History.

But in the house, the only way it works is if there's a strong masculine and feminine component.

The New Hampshire state legislature only pays each congressperson and senator $100 per year. Which means that HN politics is 1) a rich-man-only game as only they can afford to work for free, 2) also pretty corrupt, as the politicians need someone's help to keep them fed during their term in office.

Well, she's a very exceptional "child" who is probably more grown up than most privileged Western kids her age, and her "just wanting to go to school" was a radical political decision that almost cost her her life.

Things I've convinced are on the menu in Heaven: Fried Pickles, Fried Okra and Fried Snickers bars.

Nope. Sitcoms don't get enough credit. Firstly, they move forward national dialogue (see Golden Girls tackling AIDS and homophobia or Jill on Home Improvement asserting herself by starting her own career). They also provide a mirror for people who feel isolated or hopeless. Sitcoms have addressed bullying, loss and

I was in the military for over ten years. Just got out - here's something people don't like to hear, but it's true: military men do NOT like women. I could go on and on with a lengthy explanation as to why that is, and the numerous fantastic women I served with - but it's still the truth. Which only goes to explain

So, Mr. Smith, before you were stabbed were you wearing a shirt? When the knife pierced your chest did you specifically tell your attacker to stop? When he stabbed you the second time did you bother to say "No" in a firm clear voice? When you walked around being a jerk earlier in the day, weren't you pretty much

It should be noted that King has also said that The Shining is a "good" horror film, but a terrible adaptation of his novel. Because it basically loses all the things he mentioned, especially in the two main characters. Jack's descent into madness is not nearly as effective when you have Jack Nicholson, who looks AND

I actually respect the mom for laying the hammer down and selling the tickets. I don't respect her airing her daughter's dirty laundry in public like that.