plaid gym socks

No... Get a phone order a couple minutes before we open for a skinny latte "in ten". Cool, no prob. And 2 minutes later, another phone order for a db cap w caramel, to pick up in ten minutes. Then, over the course of the next 8 minutes, 9 more espresso drinks... (the fourth is from someone who says "um, I'm gonna pick

I'd much rather prefer this one:

Ugh I know - I used to kinda like him, before this song happened, and everything went crazypants. But yeah, that link, so gross. And why must he constatntly defend his choices by saying "oh, my wife and her friends insisted these girls all be naked," like, own the fact that you've chosen to be a creep.

"...and since yogurt is the number one thing ladies like"

Chobani is fake Greek yogurt anyway. Fage FTW.

If i lifted 460 lbs i would make a bronze statue of me doing so and i would stare at it when i masturbate.

They scare the crap out of me. Unlike most animals with hooves or paws they have hands. HANDS! They have built in masks and there are only two reasons to wear a mask (aside from Halloween). You're either a superhero or up to some shady shit and you don't want to be recognized. What if they figure out how to pick

Do you not understand what the word "unintended" means?

Age: 21

Most people don't pick their jobs to "do something meaningful for society/humanity as a whole," but for what it's worth, banking can fit that description.


To these gentlemen I have but one thing to say....

Today's Dirt Bag was even better than usual. A+, Anna.

This chipmunk was not having it!

A 31 lb cat is basically equivalent to a 400+ lb human. I know cats hate water but it takes some of the stress off its joints while it's getting some exercise. My friend had two 30+ lb cats and they both developed diabetes, so this exercise will be better for the kitty in the long run.

Is drinking out? Because drinking tends to make small towns a whole hell of a lot more interesting.

Oh, and about worrying about if you'll regret things later. You will. It's part of life. Don't worry too much about it, it won't do any good. There's always going to be "should haves," you just can't worry about them before it's their time.

I think everyone should send in drawings of Galactus dying of auto-erotic asphyxiation.

I'm a woman, and I was a penciller for a monthly book at DC twenty years ago (ST:TOS). I was also 5150'd into the ER at Kaiser for suicidal depression just a year and a half ago.