plaid gym socks

I'm a lesbian and attracted to Harry Styles. Partially because he kind of looks like a lesbian. So he's hit some magical genetic balance that appeals to every person on the planet, and now everyone wants to bone Harry Styles.

After reading this, I still have no interest in seeing this movie. However, I have now developed a keen interest in seeing a movie with Madeleine and Callie, preferably something that is so bad it's good. I'll bring the booze. I have a mom purse with tons of room for the smuggling of snacks.

Callie: Simon Cowell appeared in the film using an iPad as a coaster for his tea mug.

I remember being a fan girl and how much fun it was screaming and how wonderful it was to be in a raging crush. It's probably the only time these girls can act like this with such abandon with very little consequences. Let them have fun and girls, live it up!

I'm pretty sure I have a crush on Harry, too. I am probably older than his mother, but he just seems so charming and rougish. Like he could literally charm the pants off someone. Not me. I'm married. Maybe me.

Someone should destroy this ring PRONTO because what if it's a Hitler horcrux? YOU NEVER KNOW.

"I am above all of this"

The ring must be destroyed.

Probably summons Mecha-Hitler

I mean, history nerd me thinks even evil shit like this can be pretty cool. You can appreciate the history without being a Neo-Nazi and all that. Hitler can be an epic douche canoe and you can appreciate the historical value of said items.

I think I get it, but not from a visual standpoint. I think what Mayer is trying to do here is move Yahoo from this old-guard design thinking that branding and visual identity is king, especially in this Internet Age. For online companies like Yahoo, visual design takes a back seat to user experiences, and a logo

I think it's less hideous than the original but still less than what you'd expect from a major doctcom. Y, the 3D thing does look amateurish. I am guessing that the design depts of other major companies are snickering. I also wonder if Meyer doesn't have a great eye and prevented her design team from doing something

Well, no matter how "whimsical, yet sophisticated" they make the logo, the damn name is still Yahoo!, which is a synonym for Crude! or Brutish!, so even if they could resuscitate Leonardo da Vinci to design it, it'd always be ugly.

I think I know where they got this design:

The only balls I'll ever need to be happy.


Unlike everyone who thinks you're trolling and can't ignore the case at hand I think you're asking a valid question. Does "sexiness" affect a power dynamic in various social settings and should it ever be relevant in assessing a social structure or how a power dynamic works?

"If you are friends with a Hall boy on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter, then you are friends with the whole Hall family," Hall continues (and you probably see a fair amount of teen abs!). That means the entire family analyzes your selfies over dessert and wonders "what you were trying to do? Who are you trying to
