plaid gym socks

Once, I swear to God, I was told that I wasn’t really black because black people put a lot of cream cheese on their bagels and I don’t. I swear to God.

I derailed at the "She doesn’t act black" comment made by your boyfriend.

A single God, for sure.

That kind of question would make me want to answer in the most awkward/inappropriate way possible. Such as,

My brain decided that while I was trying to fall asleep last night was the perfect time to remember all the crap I went through in junior high. WTF brain? Junior high was 94-96. Why do I have to vividly remember all that almost 20 years later?

Fortunately, there are too many options for saddest meal in Sonia Allison's classic cookbook.

Yeah, I've been there, and it sucks. I think sometimes the best thing to do is find a good form of distraction. Read a good book, get absorbed in a Netflix marathon, go for a run.... whatever works for you. When I'm depressed, I'm usually also lazy and unmotivated, so the netflix marathon is usually the easiest and

Job search advice: When you apply for jobs in other cities, should you use an local address? I live right outside philly, but am applying to jobs in philly, dc, pittsburgh, and other locations around the northeast. I know at least one person in these city. Should I use their addresses when applying to jobs in

So this is a downer. Fair warning.

Just want to send a big shout-out to the elderly gay couple one table over from us on the patio of my favorite bar last night. The gentleman wearing the fedora, pendant rhinestone earrings, a 4-carat wedding ring, wide bangles, a tweed jacket, and sequined Toms was so nice to talk to! And his shih tzu, Fee, was very

Uh oh, here they come.

I'm more dismissive of her trustafarian appropriatin-ass ways, but to each their own.

gtfo. Some alcoholics confront their problems and sober up, but some never do. Get out now, and if he's sober some time in the future, maybe you can give him another chance. Don't sit around waiting for it, though.

Guys I have a crazy important exam on Monday and Tuesday PLEASE WISH ME LUCK I NEED ALL THE POSITIVE VIBES IN THE WORLD FOR THIS!

Lindy's article earlier in the week about the girl from the daily beast who was complaining about thin shaming brought up some old memories for me and I ended up writing a post, which ended up being pretty long and cathartic, as a response. However, because of being at the other side of the Atlantic I was late to the

Brea, it's cool. I always forget people's names immediately after they tell me.

Sorry, fuck that. I'm a dude and I use "I feel like" all the time because the whole masculine approach to language with is unrelenting focus on objectivity and "things either are or are not" is stupid and practically designed to get people to fight each other. Since feelings aren't allowed to be part of the equation,

I know when I first started into my career and we were going through training we talked about topics such as how to handle conflict in the workplace. I remember one of the ways they said to address conflict was to make "I" statements instead of "You" statements. One of the most used examples was "When you do this it