plaid gym socks

As I music teacher, I wish 1/10 of my students had the drive this kid has to learn, practice, repeat & implement. This gives me hope!

Okay, I wasn't gonna comment, but I have to.

Pittsburgh has become notorious for "boomerang Pittsburghers." Born and raised in Pittsburgh, move away somewhere "cooler" during/after college, find that cool place to be prohibitively expensive, unfriendly and nearly impossible to raise a family in without an executive's salary, move back to Pittsburgh, get married,

This isn't altogether suprising to me as someone with children who lives in a "shitty flyover state." Where we live is actually great for families (like mine) who value these kinds of things: tons of parks, great public schools, solid (but "boring") jobs with decent pay, good benefits, and minimal commutes, pricey but

This is how I felt when I watched this (three times):

Wow she sure samples a lot of different moves!!!! I think my favorite is the standing up and down on tiptoes and pointing her finger up.

Now playing

This is one of more adorable drunken parental moments I've ever witnessed. you hate all birds? Because most birds wiggle their necks when they walk. Most birds move air with their wings. Pigeons aren't gross. People who are grossed out by pigeons maybe need to get out more because there's A LOT more things that are grosser than birds doing normal bird things - for example :

Disclaimer: please understand that nothing I'm about to say is meant to diminish her actions, which are heroic and brave beyond anything I can imagine.

Do you carry your keys in it? Do you carry tissues in it? Do you carry a notepad in it? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you carry a purse.

I'm a daily giant-bag carrier and I LOVE murses, even though I'm a girl. They're generally more structured, serious-looking, and bigger, and the colors — black, midnight blue, chocolate brown, deep gray — are always better than what I find in women's bags.


Here's a little *theory* about Frenchwomen I once came across in the New Yorker.....

What?? You're telling me he didn't want to be a woman on the internet? Color me shocked.

My friend Susan was competing from a promotion. She 's the cutest, littlest, blondest thing. She's also brilliant and hyper-competitive. Her dumbass boss actually told her that he gave the job to the man "because he needs it more, because he has a family to support." (Susan is a divorced mom, not receiving child

Power affects empathy. A neuroscientist at Wilfred Laurier found that the more power someone has the less empathy they show. We all know there are cut throat people out there who will use whatever tiny scrap of privilege they can get their grubby little hands on to get what they want. There are men out there right now

"The majority of men said that 'country has made most of the changes needed to give women equal rights as men,' where only 29% of women agreed." —> Um, maybe other countries have, but not US...