plaid gym socks

For relationships, don't get pulled into a super serious one for all of college. You will become such a different person in ways you don't even know about yet, it's so unlikely that your S.O. in college will grow and change with you into your life partner. (Of course there are exceptions. But I know a few couples,

First off, congrats! If you are anything like Slightly Younger Britlikespenguins, you're currently alternating between

Remember that college isn't for parties and friends and falling in love. College is for learning and honing in on a skill that will help your career later in life. I feel like so many freshman put their education 2nd, and their party and love-life first. Take classes that you are genuinely interested in. Take classes

Two givens- Never set your drink down, never let a guy give you a drink. Go to frat parties with a group, and have a designated lesbian (who will save you from creeps who are trying to talk to you and are not taking a hint) to save anyone from the advances of drunk douchebags.

Always pack your linens (sheets, towels, etc.) on top. You will want to know where those are. Properly unpacking can take a couple of days, and having the essentials readily accessible will minimize the amount of tripping over things and frantically digging through boxes. I learned that one the hard way my first

Get a study buddy in each class. That's someone you share notes with and meet with outside class to discuss concepts that may have been unclear when presented by the instructor. Do the reading for class, or at least learn which classes really need the reading done and which ones you can finesse without it. That skill

Your dog looks:

I'm bored so I've been playing around with this app "face changer", here's my dog

Er, the book was horrid, so I don't really have high hopes for the movie.

I eventually joined the Stepford Society and I've been straining at its confinements ever since. Right now all I want to do is set my front lawn on fire.

Apparently your ovaries if you're over 27. Gotta keep those eggs from disintegrating!

I did a GIS on tinkerbell and was going to post a picture of her. I found this instead and it is way better. There's just something carefree about it that I like. I'm pretty sure about 1/3 of all internet memes are somehow captured in this one awesome moment.

Tracy McMillan is silly. Female Peter Pans are called Tinkerbells.

Shit! I just sent my pearls out for re-stringing. WHAT CAN I CLUTCH NOWWWWW!?

Next to 1984.

Lolita: One of the most oft referenced and least understood texts, evar.

I keep thinking Lady Gaga has a song called "Applesauce".

Been seeing a lot on the internet about this Lady Gaga song, and I *just* realized it's called 'Applause' and not 'Applesauce' :/

If it makes you feel better, remember that no one posts pictures of their friend crying in a corner on Facebook. Obviously, the goal is to get to a point where you're not obsessed with how your ex is doing, but in the meantime remember that manic-grinning photos are just part of the truth. (I took some sadistic