plaid gym socks

This is so adorable I just died. I'm a ghost now.

This was LITERALLY me during that whole video.*

The problems here are many:

But Rihanna told me I could find love in a hopeless place.

Quibbling for a sec here—JLo did not say that love don't cost a thing. She said 'my love' don't cost a thing. She dropped the surcharge. Love for everyone else is still cost-prohibitive.

When, when, when will people figure out that, although pretty is a great side dish, it is not a satisfying main course. Pretty to me is like, whoa, I got free checks when I opened my checking account? Awesome!

My parents and I moved when I was 12. Moving is always difficult for kids, not least of all when you're in that sweet spot for inner turmoil and angst. The summer we moved I was molested by a family member during a visit, something I socked away but quickly morphed into a festering bubble of self-loathing. I remember,

Patriarchy? Are you listening? Good. The end times, they are a comin' for you, and there is nothing you can do about it. Once all women know that they judge their own self worth, and do not have to subject themselves to your "enough," then ho boy, is shit going to hit the fan. The power you will have to make women

Ugh, my dad does something similar when it comes to racism towards white people, mainly coming from black comedians. He thinks that it's ridiculous that they can get away with making racist jokes about white people when he cannot do the same without being castigated. I used to agree with him, but then I grew the fuck

The problem here is the historical suffering of white people, when being forced to hear the whining of non-white people about racism. This could make a person feel sorta bad, until they realize that they were once inconvenienced by not getting what they wanted, when they wanted it-which is exactly like

Oh! Is this where the white people gifs are going?

B-b-but my rights as a white person.

My life as told through gifs.

Why lose weight when it's easier to just sit on them?

I think what's additionally sad about this is that it ruins the chance for genuine revenge. What the vast majority of people want when someone hurts them is not for the other person to be hurt in's for the person to be sorry for hurting you. Jennifer doesn't really want Hiren to know how she feels...she

I have a body acceptance blog, and received an email from the casting people for this show several months back, wanting me to audition. They were sure that there MUST be someone that has made fun of me or tortured me for being plus size, and that wouldn't it be fantabulous if I would subject myself to their capable