plaid gym socks

Grab your ovaries and come out with a real statement, or, hell, a retraction if necessary. This - this is bargaining. And it is pathetic. Jessica, I respect that your job is difficult. You're representing feminism to a broad audience. Do us all a favor: stand up straight and speak clearly. I have tremendous faith in

Another good way not to go home with a douchebag is to wear some really thick clothes, like heavy wool or leather, and then wrap yourself liberally in razor wire. Douchebags hate getting cut up by razor wire. Just be careful around upholstery or curtains.

On seeing the Beeb's naked body so early in the morning:

Well, it's official: I am completely incapable of looking at Justin Bieber and seeing an adult man. The pictures are actually sort of cute in a "silly toddler took off all his clothes, scribbled on himself with a marker, and is running around with a toy" way. I bet he ran around like that for a while and then later

I've spoken to a friend going through a very similar situation. But I caution to only do it if you are feeling calm/in control enough to tiptoe carefully, for an initial conversation. It also depends on your relationship. This happened with my best friend of 20 years (we met in Pre-school) so we have a sisterly

I am in need of some relationship advice! I am a long term lurker so I hope this doesn't get lost in the grey.

You know that feeling of being stuck between gratitude for some help and anger for the really shitty job the help did? My friend and her kids helped me move all of my holiday decorations (I have an insane amount, seriously) from my little storage building to my garage with the intention of moving the storage building

Just had the sex talk with my almost 7 year old son, at dinner. It was, luckily for me, during a narrow window of time when his 3 year old sister was away from the table, and he, as it were, popped the question. He knows about DNA and inherited characteristics, because we both have ridiculously red hair. So he

There's an unusually nasty troll in the greys, so remember: don't promote them, don't talk to them, and if you're easily triggered, probably best to stay away.

First, congrats on getting your artistic groove back! I think you just have to get your stuff out there no matter what it takes. In my area, I know a few artists who make money by showing at cafes, restaurants, farmers' markets, and even hospitals. There's more to art than galleries and museums.

My dog once licked a guys feet while we were doing it...

And they have the creepiest, Uncanny Valley, humanoid teeth:

Well, one way to think of it is that you have effectively screened out an immature woman who plays a lot of games. No woman you would want to spend more time with would set you up like that.

Or you could do like me and avoid the whole thing by not dating at all. Yay for desiccated spinsterhood!

Statue fucking?

It's not really a muscle hypertrophy thing. It's a low body fat percentage thing. It's just being very lean. Even so, not everybody is built that way, even if they get down to a very low body fat percentage. It's a very lucky person who discovers that they have this lovely physical conformation.

That was my thought—"oh look, he just completed the abusive-partner Bingo card!" It's like he's reading right from the playbook. What slime.

I got my MCAT scores back this week, and I got a 34! I'm actually going to be a doctor! Ahhhhh!!!!!

This ain't nothin new. Elvis anybody? People only accept black peoples talent because they have to if they wanna listen to awesome music but when a white person comes along and proves that they can do the same thing or in some cases pretend that they can, the black artist get kicked to the curb. While I will never say