plaid gym socks

Misogyny is to religion like hamburgers are to McDonalds - they didn't invent it but they do a very, very good business in it.

Welp. The internet—social media specifically, has run it's course. It's over. It was a cool idea, like a quirky artists' commune in Colorodo might be, but it's turned into a super concentrated compost heap of human dysfunction...kind of like a quirky artist commune in Colorado might be. I'm gonna pack up some of my

I wish portable ashtrays had been marketed in the US because I think a lot of the resentment between smokers and non-smokers could have been avoided. I never heard about them until I lived in Japan, but once I knew they existed I made sure to always carry one and use it for extinguishing and storing the butts.

Uh, typically speaking I don't think victims of physical abuse have ever found words to be the most effective means of solving the situation...

A baby is your precious gift from god EXCEPT WHEN IT'S A PUNISHMENT.

Also, I find a lot of butts when I'm out hiking. Who the hell are these people that struggle up the side of a difficult trail with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths?

Can I ask a (somewhat snarky) question to smokers? A lot of smokers I know would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER throw a piece of trash on the ground. They would hate the people who do it, they would pick it up, they would talk shit.

Now playing

There are similar genius puppies in this amazing compilation of puppies learning to go up and down stairs. I'll just leave this here.

I have Photoshop and I know how to use it. I kinda want to make my own now...

Heh. My husband thought a picture of my mom snuggling with my bio-dad was me and an ex-boyfriend. Awkwaaaard!


I'm always fascinated to hear from adoptees. My sister gave her baby up for adoption when she was 19—that was almost 25 years ago. I'm three-and-change years older than she is, and at the time I wasn't able to go to the hospital to see the baby (emotionally). My mom visited her and took several photos. She has red

Last time I was home I was helping my mom organize her office and found a picture of my sister as a teen that I had never seen before. But no- whoops- it was my grandmother. In 1938. Then I found another... but no, that one was my mom. Finally I found (a real) one of my sister and lined them all up. It was

I've known that I look just like my mom ever since a photo of her at 16 was mistaken for a photo of me at 15.

My mother and I as children. It's crazy - I wouldn't say we're twins right now, but when you compare pictures of us at the same age I seriously wouldn't be surprised if someone told me this was the same person.

I found a picture yesterday and was trying to figure out when I had been to Niagara Falls. Took a few beats before I realized it was my mom at my age.

That was the sound of a thousand women shuddering in fear.

Thai food is infinitely better than sex.

Human beings are funny. We have a tendency to believe (as a whole, not every individual) that whatever our life circumstances might be is the norm. Especially when we have friends or family who reinforce this concept. I.e. If I think medium-rare steak is delicious people who like well-done are just fucking stupid.