plaid gym socks

"they yearn for attention. they want to know that they're still desirable to the average 20-something."

Clearly we've never hung out.

And the winner for most forwarded article to girlfriends and wives goes to...

I'm trying to eat low carb. According to this, I can still suck (*swallow) 1,818 dicks a day and not exceed my 20g of carbs. Good to know.

This is my favorite piece of information in my entire brain.

(I misunderstood)

I took the fact she was questioning the distribution of traits given in the Bem Sex Role Inventory as a way of questioning it's validity, and saying that yes, these are socially conditioned traits? Because obviously the inventory is bunk if you take it as "this is how men are and this is how women are and this is what

I believe they are Van Cleef and Arpel, but that does seem a little "establishment" for her.

This got me to thinking, really the only times I read about Autism it's usually about dudes. (More often than not, some self diagnosed "mildly autistic" dude using it as an excuse for assholish behaviour.) To have a perspective on how the disorder impacts on others will be quite useful.

Lela Rose is one of my faves but was also very much out of my price range (like, I'd-rather-pay-off-some-of-my-student-loans out of my price range). When I was looking for alternatives, I found that unfortunately a lot of these "knock-off" or "look-for-less" vendors have TERRIBLE track records on quality. I'm talking

My advice is to find a local seamstress and commission a knockoff. That's going to be the best way to get exactly what you want. And I would be really surprised if it were more than half the price of this gown.

It looks like we have...

When I first read the headline I saw it as "bedbug" and was all Dear God what hath humanity wrought???

He's just about to get his haircut right there on the red carpet.

I love Campion, but this broke my cardinal rule - I don't watch anything where things don't work out for the dog. I'm looking at you beginning of episode 2.

Now playing

So now what happens is that nobody has children but the wealthy (who can afford it), and those who don't have the means and resources to avoid having children. And without good public schools that everybody uses, the wealth gap grows. And we end up with a wealthy elite class, and an underclass, and any semblance of

These preschools should use the new Oregon approach and make price of tuition payable retroactively as a percentage of earnings for the first X number of years after graduation. So from the time the child is 5 to 15 years old, whatever income they make, 3 percent goes back to the preschool.