plaid gym socks

Nope, no beard for you. I know the grass always seems greener on the other side, but you will never have to groom back hair (let alone the full carpet I can muster if so inclined.) feel lucky.

Not all of them! Don't stress about it now. I emailed around, explained we didn't want all day-coverage, and got two amazing photographers for five hours for $550. They gave us their "elopement" rate, out of the goodness of their hearts. We bought our own prints; they gave us two cd's with print release and copyright

I would take this assignment. I want to see how someone gives birth with their head completely up their own ass.

I guess this is supposed to be a photographer's Crowning achievement eh? I wonder if all their grueling labour will get to bear fruit, and the photos can burst forth into the public eye, Born out of this couple's generosity?

Maybe it's just the freelance musician in me speaking up, but $150 and/or the "creative inspiration" is exploitation.

What are his and/or her trades? Maybe they could barter a day or two of work for it, after the photographer has checked their portfolios. Jesus.

This probably will get ignored, but I had to comment before I even finished the article:

Nowhere for beards to go? Au contraire mon frere.

This could actually be a brilliant YA novel.

Least enticing gummy bears ever!

Great point. Marginalization within marginalization. Like asshole Inception.

I once had one of these fetuses thrown at me by anti-choice people at the Illinois State Fair. They asked me how I could possibly be pro-choice—after all, what if my mother had aborted me?

When I was a child- I may have been 9- my mother dragged me and my siblings to a 'Pro-Life Rally' affiliated with our church where we were made to carry signs we did not understand and give people THESE DOLLS after they had been covered in red jello. We carried them in a tin wash bucket. At the same time, we had to

Not enough blood and guts smeared on,

Someday I will walk out to my mailbox & find in there a bill for the oxygen I used for breathing during the month.

I agree completely. I am currently bankrupt because I had some problems with my heart in the spring that after careful consideration I decided to have evaluated. First off, it's messed up that I had to stop and consider if I was willing and able to go into debt to see a doctor to find out if my heart regularly

Yes that's true - you are assessed at the beginning of your pregnancy and again throughout and you are either put on a midwife-led care path or a consultant-led care path (a consultant is a specialist, so a 'consultant obstetrician'). You can change care paths throughout your pregnancy. I was first put on

Plus, I hear their hospitals have wait times. Luckily, capitalism has ensured that I never, ever wait when I go to a hospital.