plaid gym socks

My two cents having worked at colleges for over a decade:

Got in an argument on here once that boiled down to "having 1 million dollars isn't rich because you can't live off of it alone lavishly for 20 years after retiring".

No, no. Maybe it's the years of art history, but there's an affect older portraiture has where even if you're told they're painting an individual it looks like the artist was working from an era specific aesthetic ideal of what a human face looks likes rather than painting a unique human face. It becomes really

My Omar Little (yes, that's his name) has somehow figured out that I control the laser pointer. Quite horrifying, actually. He will walk up to me and knock it out of my hand.

I dunno...this is kinda like saying "it just strikes me as so odd that these triple salchows and double backflips that Olympians perform are nothing more than a series of chemical reactions and electrical impulses..." Like, everything amazing accomplished by humans boils down to chemical reactions. Because thoughts

I've really been looking forward to this! I heard about it from the Medieval POC tumblr, which featured this lovely portrait of her:

I think you typo'd tumblr.

I completely agree. I would NEVER wish depression on my greatest enemy and I think it's super fucking disgusting when people say things like, "Just get over it!" and "That's right, take another pill and stop feeling feelings". I call it the Great Black Dog and I have lived with and managed (note that I do not say

I don't think you know what depression is. It's not just feeling sad or apathetic. They're not talking about some sort of lifestyle pill.

CRF1, otherwise known as: my job.

Bless her! Depression-era folks often have some impressive stories, especially the women. I worked for many, many years in senior care and it was honestly transformative. One of the most engaging things I did there (and really, most engaging things I've done career-wise) was lead weekly Current Events discussions.

I have a theory on old people and Fox News and dog whistles.

Meanwhile my grandmother went to college in the 30s, was a pediatric nurse, told me once that she "didn't understand why everyone is so upset. Of course we should let the gays marry. They're in love aren't they? It's none of my business." and voted straight Dem in 2008 (a month before her death, I took off work to

I'm just going to put this here (via)

I have the same reactions when one of my guy friends says this to me. "I didn't really believe in feminism until I had a daughter!"

Colorado has the dubious distinction of being the caboose on the American train of obesity - you're only a few decades behind the trends:

Skinny genes?

We have to be skinny to fit into our tiny apartments.

Yeah, no, her personal history of abuse does not make this "extra sad", nor does it excuse her religious bullying. We need to stop giving adults who were victims of childhood abuse passes on abusing others, full stop. As adults, we know better and we are better.