plaid gym socks

I see your strawberry penis and raise you the teeny tomato dong I discovered on my plant yesterday

I have faith that one day, someone will find a Jesus Penis.

What does it say that our species is obsessed with items that look like either penises or Jesus. Just those two things, though.

if getting married is your number one priority, then do it early. if you wait to long, it gets harder to find a mate.

I'll say it over and over, women are the worse misogynists and do the most to set women back. Finding a potential husband in college is probably easier because everytime you blink there's a transfer student, someone moving into your dorm, shopping at the same record store, taking some of your classes... You are

This woman clearly didn't get the memo about that study Jez cited recently saying women are on average fine reproductively speaking as long as they have kids by forty. Also seems way more intelligent to me to focus on a career that will ensure you can provide for yourself than to focus on men, who quite frankly come &

fgsdfhasdghsghgfhdsfsdjfsd people who use college to husband shop piss me off to no end

An engineer prepares for her wedding night!

Naming someone "Chastity" is always a bad idea.

nah... nobody's going out of their way to stay sexually pure. Thats just what they tell the minister on Sundays. Really, as a generation, we're all following your pioneering footsteps. You should be honored!

I love this comment! People act like loving kids is a good enough reason to have them. No. It's a good enough reason to spend time with children. There are lots of ways to do that without creating a new human being for your personal enjoyment.

Good for you. My mom was 19 when I was born and put herself through college and graduate school with me marching along behind her. She got her M.S. before I finished high school. She got married (for the first/only time) after I left for college. One of the things that I am most thankful for is that my mom didn't

I was a nanny for about a decade and can say officially that if you want kids but don't want to spend the money be a nanny! I get all the love, I'm not concerned about being a lonely old lady when my husband dies (statistics say he will first), and get to see my quirks in the kids I cared for. PLUS, I got all the

guys..GUIESZZZ.... this is a timely article, as I'm 90% sure I'm pregnant (still got 4 days to go for a definitive test), AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. I never wanted kids and my husband, mother, and MIL are rather indifferent. I primarily didn't want kids because 1.) I never felt a motherly instinct 2.) I'm vain and I

my mother urged me to get pregnant at 16, drop out and go on welfare. i refused. i knew i would not put my child through what i went through growing up on welfare. my father didn't finish paying his child support until i was in my early thirties. instead of finishing high school i worked as soon as i was old enough,

I am single mom of one since I was 19 (I am 34 now). Truth be told, kids suck. Oh yes there are lovely moments and you do love them more than your own life etc, etc. But reality is that they suck. Suck your life, money and sometimes especially during their teen years, your happiness. I have never been married and I

Have you heard about the sequel series to Brooklyn Girls?

It's called Lawrence Township Ladies, and it chronicles what happens to these "girls" when they turn 26 and move back to New Jersey. Sounds fun!*

(*Also available as Waterbury Women (for Connecticut) and Scarsdale Sirens (for everyone else).)

I think your best option is to emotionally move on. Loving someone who doesn't love you back is difficult for both parties and is a waste of time you. He's not likely to suddenly change his mind and want you. Either you need to come to peace with that or remove him from your life. It's difficult but there is no point

You're not crazy. Anything you can do to comfort yourself in a rational, intelligent way is the opposite of crazy.

Egg-zactly! We are the captains of our souls. Or, less poetically but more Billy-Joel-y, "either way it's ok to wake up with yourself"