plaid gym socks

This is why my kid is not even yet three and he's already got more in his savings account than we have in ours. We ask his grandparents not to spoil him with more toys he doesn't need and instead throw us a little cash here and there for his college fund. We're not rich, so we'll never be able to pay for his school

And some people think that it's so simple and easy to go to college - it's not when you don't have the money or have to work several jobs just to keep up.

Hmmm? What is the word I am looking for?? It's on the tip of my tongue.

Seriously. I make my living by preparing students to get into college, and they are so determined that their life must go down this path by getting into such-and-such quality school because U.S. News & World Report tells them so, and I'm trying to fathom how they're going to get through the rest of their lives with

Surprise, surprise: Congress fucked up again

Is taylor swift a bullshit paradigm? Was his george bush statement really that amazing or just one of those knee-jerk, easy-controversy/blatantly obvious things that everyone says and knows but when said by a famous person suddenly becomes #preech?

*waits patiently for The Answers to arrive from heaven*

There is a difference between freely exchanging different opinions and harassing someone under the guise of sharing their opinions. I know people who I respect who have very different opinions from me who welcome different perspective. We may never change each other's minds but we respect our differences. The

Here's what's going to happen. 20 years from now this kid is going to be all grown up and have his own terrible clothing line or terrible fragrance and it will be called "North, by North West." The collective groan unleashed by the combined fans of Alfred Hitchcock, Saul Bass and good film in general are going to

I've had this done to me, and it's the worst, most painful thing to experience. It hurts, and it drags out the "friend breakup" much longer than it needs to.

Gives new meaning to the phrase "dicking around"


So would it be a safe assumption that.........

My first ex-boyfriend is now one of my best friends (aside from my fiance...who was/is also one of my best friends). It was hard to be friends immediately after the breakup, because he really wanted to get back together, but we've both had at least a couple of serious relationships since then and 5 years (to the day!

oh lord jesus. i haven't eaten/made home-baked bread in far too long.

I'm good friends with a handfull of my ex's. I lived with one of them for about two years after we broke up. As to the engage/married thing, I had two ex's attend my wedding. One was the DJ. He's still one of my very best friends. I still talk to the other regularly but he lives out of state now.

All I saw.

A lot amateur porn has the same problem. Or so I've heard.

So THAT'S why nobody has ever commented on anything I've posted to Groupthink?! I thought I was doing something wrong, and I deleted several posts. :(

YOU GUYS! I made this sourdough bread today: