plaid gym socks

Hymen restoration surgery is also for women who have broken them doing nonsexual things like horse-riding or cycling or whatever but are marrying someone who is ludicrously dense and expects a hymen. It's not just to try and pretend the woman hasn't already had PinV sex. Still horrible and dumb, I'm just clarifying.

This video is wonderful! On a personal note, I completely understand those Christian girls because I used to be one of them. At that age, all anyone tells you is 'don't have sex' and rarely is sex or virginity actually defined. All you have to go on is what people have told you and, often, they haven't told you

This is why I often find myself unsympathetic to people who argue that black women who are pregnant should just do adoption. I knew a woman who was pregnant and black. She knew adoption wasn't a great choice for her because she was aware that if she placed her child, the chances of them getting adopted were not that

Ugh. This drives me crazy, too. Some take the rules so literally, never thinking of the idea behind them.

Resisting the urge to start a shitstorm and send this to my evangelical family members right now.

My father actually just posted this picture after going through his News Feed about the people whining about the ruling. I thought it was worth a chuckle or two.

come on now....SOMEONE has to think of he wealthy straight white men!

Oh, almost forgot:

You're welcome, Jezebros.

Morels! Yumm. I only have morels in the early spring, when the temperature is between 40-60F. One time I walked out to my backyard and found food. That is the morel of the story. SO MANY PUNS!!!

People are Christian, middle class white dudes with penises. Everyone knows that. READ THE CONSTITUTION, MORAN!

In that spirit, I already posted these in GT but they're good enough to share here too.

I broke up with my amazing boyfriend of two years today, and although I can't say I'm not still having a shitty day, that Separate Ways video definitely made it a little bit better.

What's Cosmo's address?!

gentle squeeze

Tis gettyng hawte uppe inne heeyaugh!

My sister (we're black) was talking to several doctors about her medical problem when one of them noted in my sister's file that she attended Yale. He says, "How did you get into Yale? On an athletic scholarship?" She replied, "No, it's just that I'm smarter than you."

As another dude who lives in NYC and has faced this "dilemma", here's what I've realized: