plaid gym socks

I think white people* aren't used to being told they can't have something. White people: you can't have the n-word. Doesn't matter if others use it, doesn't matter if you never oppressed anyone**, doesn't matter. You can't have it. Let it go. Let the other communities deal with racial slurs in their own way.

Unlike you principled conservatives who abandoned Newt Gingrich, John McCain, Rudy Guiliani, Rush Limbaugh, Henry Hyde, Bob Barr, President George HW Bush, and Arnold Schwarzeneger at the first sign of adultery. Ya'll are truly pillars of ethics and moral values.

Interestingly, many people will forgive horrific infringements upon their Constitutionally-guaranteed rights if they're told it makes them "safe."

Both parties do this—and name-calling won't change a bit of it. How strange; people in power sometimes do terrible things, and we hold them to entirely different standards

He's not bright enough to be reviled. Hating on RyanL. is like hating on a dumb cocker spaniel. He's almost adorable in his complete not knowing of anything at all.

Is Channing Tatum a bro, though? I mean I know he's Jock-ish because of obvious muscly issues, but I think he's kind of too sweet to be a bro. He's not gonna win a Nobel for physics, and he admits as much, probably not an Oscar either, but he's a nice guy working at his level (rather than thinking he's some sort of

A lady asked me "When's the baby due?" while I was at ~a bar~ drinking ~copious amounts of booze.~

I was seething with rage when I saw this Dear Abby. I am an apple shaped, chubby lady, so I have gotten the pregnant thing, but the solution isn't for we chubs to "fix"ourselves, it is for people to stop thinking it is ok to ask any woman of any size when she is due. As for how I respond, "nope, just fat" . . . Mic.

Bro-adjacent, due to involvement in Lonely Island. "I'm on a Boat" is pure bro-fuel.

Of course you can. In the Pokemon game of life, this is the highest evolution of the bro.

It's allowed as long as you aren't the one they are marrying. :D

upon seeing this, I just changed the name of my husbands' most frequently used folder to "definitely not porn". So, thanks!

Almond milk is the greatest invention ever. (I'm allergic to dairy in excess. Now I can eat granola and make my own almost-icecream!)

Let's get this straight. It doesn't say that there were any complaints that the boys were actually having impure thoughts about her, just that they were at that age where they might. In other words, this dude was having impure thoughts himself.

I saw this awhile ago. F this principle. Was he ever a 12 year old boy? A 12 year old boy could have impure thought about a girl wearing a burka. Not this girls fault boys are hormonal. Let her play out her dream and see where it goes. This may be her only chance to play competitive football. And you want to take it

I've worked as a trader on trading floor for the last 5 years now and through the entire financial crisis and this is total BS (Though Kristine your final point is completely valid), and Im tired of hearing it. So Im going to set a few things straight:

Banking began to become more risky in the 1980s. That’s also about the time that deregulation began to take place.