plaid gym socks

I feel like the older he gets, the more he continues to morph into Jack Nicholson.

What's worse than 1000 dead babies? 1000 aborted fetuses LOL #deadbabyjokesarestillinright

Congratulations, GOP. You took Arrested Development quotes and made them legitimately unfunny.

Even better: He stops to take pictures with upset children.

Yes, this pleases me greatly.

"He never comes back as the man you loved, he only comes back as the man you dropped."

Kiddo leaves for camp tomorrow and will be gone til Friday. I don't know which of us is more excited.

Look. My husband and I are both gamers. Video games are a huge shared interest of ours, and part of the reason we even got together in the first place. However, what you're describing is excessive and unacceptable. He needs to get his priorities straightened out. Immediately.

Off Interstate 65 in Indiana there's a place called James Joyce Truck Sales where they sell and service semi-trucks. I like to imagine it's the same dude that wrote those books I've never read.

I hate to be the grinch, but really chances of success are slim, very slim. If you have high hopes/ really think it would work and would still do it with the knowledge you would more than likely get hurt, if it is that worth it to you- then do it. But feelings can change in funny ways, and people change a lot too.

It's when Bruno jumped in that shit got real.

Dear man who seually assaulted me on the 4 today,

Ok. On the positive side, with you being younger, you have a lot of time to shape your profile and skills into something high in demand.

Ugh finding out that someone you really like and thought was an awesome person is homophobic and transphobic sucks. It doesn't fit in with their character at all, so unexpected. How do I even treat this person now? How do I look at them without flying into a murdery rage?

My 2nd week in DC interning is going amazing. I've met so many amazing people, from other interns to supervisors, and I should be having the time of my life. . .except everyone interning with me is my exact same major (international relations), more experienced than me (in Master's programs when I'm two years away

Two days ago my sister and I had an in-depth discussion about buying a life insurance policy on my deadbeat father. We decided to go with something in the $25 per month, $50,000 range. Her exact words were "Boy he is worthless in life but his stock sure does rise in death!" The notion of Father's Day coming up on

I found this *once* and should have bought all of them since I haven't seen them since. A Fathers Day card for single moms. Basically it said, "I know it's been hard on you, and I want you to know I appreciate everything you do For me. Thank-you for being BOTH a Mom and a Dad.

Pets are expensive, but they do not grow up to be taxpayers. Also, I spend an average of about $250 per year on medical care for my pets, plus another $500 on food etc. $750 is a lot of money, but not dependent levels of care. I guess if you need a pet for your mental health or as a helper animal, I could see writing

He's also involved with a sex scandal of his own but I guess cats are more attention-grabbing: