plaid gym socks

She's nearing the end of the time when she can still be rescued. Women who continue past the age of say 27-30 to believe their only value is in their ability to meet the babe standard rarely ever recover from their early indoctrination. I know women in their 50s, 60s, 70s who spend at least 30% of their waking hours

Abbey: "[I have anorexia]... and unfortunately it has affected our relationship."

Joking about prison rape is almost as gross as Joe Francis. Please don't do it.

Here's the thing I fail to understand about the abortion debate:

As a male, I hope to someday be a father. I'm engaged to a wonderful woman, and we've discussed the possibility of children; we're not -entirely- sure they'll fit into our lives at the moment, but we're also not against the idea—we're sort of in, "Okay,

La Cocina is amazing. I worked with them some years ago as they were starting out, and they are truly inspiring. They have all sorts of classes for small food businesses (most of the businesses owned by women from other countries) and provide huge, beautifully outfitted kitchens they can use for their cooking. The

Yeah, a bunch of Italian soccer hooligans ambushed some English soccer fans at the bar the night before a game, stabbing one of them and injuring several others.

I never realized what a goober Hugh Hefner looks like until he produced an identical twin son.

Just in case you're unaware...Squirrel Girl is actually a Marvel superhero and inarguably one of the most badass superheroes to ever exist. Seriously. Dr Doom is afraid of her and none of the X-Men will be mean or rude because she will fuck your shit up with an adorable smile on her face and say 'thank you' when

No, because that's DIFFERENT

If Sen. Rubio's (R-Poland Spring) combover is "varsity-level," then Old Man McCain here's is positively Olympian.

If these English-Firsters went back a hundred years or so (back when the US was trying to deal with another wave of Suspicious Swarthy People and Possible Anarchists), they might be surprised to find that cities (and even some rural areas) were full of native-language culture and media: German newspapers, Yiddish

How far we have fallen as a nation. Thomas Jefferson spoke Greek, Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish, and studied Gaelic, Arabic, and Welsh.

2 things here:

Okay, well, I feel like plenty of born and bred Americans I meet can barely speak English properly so I'm not really inclined to get worked up about Americans who speak other languages.

Then the government will be required to offer free English classes to anyone who wants them, right?

How about we work on getting Americans speaking English first? Judging by the average Tea Party rally sign, the grasp of the language that the average natural born citizen has isn't much above that of a recent immigrant.

To be honest, I think it's a great question to quickly weed out idiots. Anyone answers yes, and delete!

I know your a turd but: fish get eaten by sharks all the fucking time, baby seals get clubbed, and your a jackoff for not getting the point that its the unnatural population that is the problem. As a matter of fact fuck your cat, because mittens is completly replaceable. If you have anything when you leave this

Another reason for people to keep their goddamn cats inside.

I think what the folks saying, "how was this a rape joke," are missing is that this is a common line delivered to victims to get them to comply with a horrifically violent sexual act.

Ultimately, we can all choose to ignore the reality of what our words mean (because subtext is just as important as context and surface