plaid gym socks

Yeah, that place is on Rampart St. My friend wanted to rent it that summer, and I was like "nothing is supposed to be that cheap in the Quarter, do some research." And he googled the address and sure enough, found out about this murder-suicide. The worst part is, I only knew to warn him because I was living in a

I once rented a crappy apartment that had hosted a string of violent crimes and suicides. Although I didn't like it from jump, it was half the price of anything else in the neighborhood and I didn't know the history. The neighbors believed the unit was haunted and mostly refused to set foot inside. Every subsequent

What if the atrocity that was committed WAS the new countertops?

The apartment I rented for a few years was the future scene of a sad, violent crime shortly after I moved out. A nice, young woman moved into the place. My roommates and I even helped her move a couple things in on our way out. Four weeks later I read in the paper that one of the crazy people that lived in the

They're still going to run into the same old trouble when they take the clothes off the form and try to put them onto people. Skinny people are all approximately the same shape as each other— the minimum required by the skeleton and internal organs, plus enough muscle to traipse around— which is why that end of the

Because as we all know it's physically impossible to be sympathetic to multiple groups of people at once.

You can also make them from scratch at home, much more cheaply: 1 32-oz container of plain lowfat yogurt (or flavored, as long as it's not sugary—my dog loves strawberry), 1 ripe banana, 2 tbsp peanut butter, and 2 tbsp honey. Mix together in the blender, pour in ice cube trays.

The lack of Bret Easton Ellis on that list of authors beloved by douchey guys is a GROSS OVERSIGHT.

Surprising! My experience with college Republicans/youth-groupers was that they were really skilled with hands and mouths because they were pretty sure p in v sex was a sin.

Yeah, cats (and dogs, and all other mammals) don't tolerate other animal's milk really well. Most species never drink milk again after weaning and none but humans will consume the milk of a totally different species on the regular. So it's always a bit weird to see milk promoted for companion animals.

Do you really need to specify a color for the beret?

Yeah, this. I bake my rats treats on occasion (rodents, not rat terriers. Haha.) and the recipes are all really basic without table sugar or lots of extracted oils. The treats are basically oats, peanut butter, wheat germ, molasses (for iron and such!), almond milk and mashed banana. They LOVE them, I think they taste

I regret sleeping with him, but I do not regret kicking him out of the apartment without his (awesome) pants.

I think there is typically a lot less sugar and salt in doggy treats vs. human food. They don't need all that sugar (neither do we...) and will tolerate treats with less in there. I've made my dog treats before that were nothing more than oats, peanut butter, and an egg, cut and baked. They tasted fine but they sure

Who cares about the commies, did you see American Bandstand last night? Those Youngs sure can dance!

It warms my heart to see white and black kids come together in equally horrible prom dresses.

That's really awesome those kids did that. It takes a lot of guts to do something as groundbreaking as they did and challenge the accepted practices of society.

Benevolent sexism as the stand-by, actively hostile sexism when needed.

If people don't have English accents how will we be able to tell the movie is set in the Olden Days?

Back when I was in college I went on a date with a 23-year-old woman who quite literally fetishized her own virginity. And by that, I mean that she was sexually excited about being a virgin. She loved fooling around, kissing, groping, and was more than happy to let me go down on her (though I was supposed to stop the