plaid gym socks

No, it's just interesting that there are fewer working moms in sitcoms and dramas than there are in real life. The issue is suggesting that women can't do both if they want to, because that notion still upsets people.

Lots of viewers definitely hold female characters to a higher standard. The hatred that was aimed at Kate on Lost or is still aimed at Betty on Mad Men can have such a personal intensity to it, as if the characters have wronged people IRL. Yet when it comes to Don Draper or Ben Linus, viewers seem more able to view

Cronut - change one letter, and you've got bronuts. And with that thought, I just lost my taste for fried doughy blobs.

He might not be gay, but he probably does have some misogyny if he feels the need to regularly tell her how gross her body is. I mean, if you took my heart out it would look really gross, but it's unreachable. The vagina and clitoris are just hanging out there all pink and juicy and...

Maybe just take a break from yourself. Try seeing other people.

Ughk. Bang maintenance is SO hard. They're always, "I'm over here! No wait! I'm all weird and split in the middle!" And they require SO much mirror checking! Is that just my hair?

"If only there were some way to get the beverage out of this bottle and into a cup..."

Does this come in comic sans?

I did not know that drinking out of Mason jars is hipster. My husband and I have been using Mason jars as drinking glasses for a few years now. In our defense, we started doing it because we had all these left over Mason jars after we canned our own pasta sauce....oh wait.

I wouldn't wear that Helvetica necklace. Not because its twee, but because OH MY GOD THE KERNING WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE KERNING??! Me and my copy of "Stop Stealing Sheep" will show ourselves out....

I also thought that staying in make-up 24-7 to avoid a "disaster" with her husband sounded very sad. Perhaps that old boyfriend was traumatizingly cruel to her about it. But we can't assume the husband saw it that way at all; maybe he regarded her neurotic make-up routine as her "thing", her private, creative little

As someone recovering from the worst flu of my life (seriously, there is nothing worse than dry heaving while coughing during a migraine), this was my question almost exactly. How could anyone possibly keep up the charade when they get truly sick? I wanted to curl up on the bathroom floor and die yesterday. I didn't

I totally agree. It's even more personally poignant because last night I had a very honest conversation with my husband about my own image issues, and how having bad skin fucked up my mind and self image in so many ways (the point that as soon as I found something that worked for my skin something healthy clicked in

In the way back leaves were often piled on the side of the street so they could be burned without setting the yard on fire. They weren't in the middle of the street but these were in residential neighborhoods so if two vehicles passed each other they would both tend to be toward the side of the road. Of course

To be fair, you can get decapitated by a train. It happened to my great grandmother's brother. Granted, he was an adult at the time and his widow apparently sued the crap out of the train company, but still. You can get decapitated by a train.

Thank you! I never experienced or understood that either. I've been prone to anxiety about everything as long as I can remember. A rather shitty adolescence when all sorts of terrible stuff happened heightened that anxiety for me big time as a teenager. My line of thinking was:

Sadly, this is how I think. I am constantly picturing all of the horrible things that could happen to me while I'm doing stuff. That's why I've never understood the whole 'young people think they're invincible' thing- I am always coming up with new ways that I could die.

Wait, I want to play this conect-two-different-things game:

Well luckily for us, this guy doesn't sit on any scientific or health related committees for Congress......oh wait.....he does....he sits on the Natural Resources and the Science, Space and Technology Committee. Well, he must at least have a M.S. or even a B.S. in something scientific, right? Nope, he has a B.A.

Don't you know that saying? I think it goes, "Every time someone says shit a baby gets aborted."