plaid gym socks

I know. I'm 23, grew up smack in the middle of the "only vaginal penetration=real sex" era and I cannot fathom why people don't understand that innumerable actions are still, technically, sex. By this logic, do lesbians just die virgins?

See also: Oral sex is real sex, "fingering/handjobs" are real sex. If it is an act that could be described as a "sex act" and/or it's a verb that has "sex" as a modifier, kids, it's PROBABLY sex. (Not always, mind you, but probably.)

My high school yearbook doesn't have any bump pictures in it, but there are pictures of some adorable babies and toddlers who came to school with their moms everyday. They went to daycare in the Home Ec area while their moms went to class. Home Ec students got Early Childhood Education credits for looking after the

absolutely. I love wearing makeup & enhancing features. But it says a lot about her comfort in her own skin - literally - that she won't appear in front of her husband without makeup. It makes me sad, too. We accept men for who they are - warts & all and they never have to wear makeup. We should expect the same &

Totally agree.

Unfortunately, makeup is power... until we change it. I remember a piece on Jez a while back by a woman whose boss told her that she needed to be doing something with her makeup. That and the many similar comments on the article prove that makeup has an effect, whether we want it to or not.

My husband asked me to move in with him a week after we got together. We'd known each other well, of course, despite not knowing each other long. When you're both working in the same office with desks immediately next to each other, you get to know someone pretty quickly. Somehow we managed to live in a studio

If you really don't want to wear it, don't :) And quit letting friends put it on you.

eh, I have no fucks to give about this lady (ouch, that sounded meaner than I intend).

Sleeping in your base makeup is TERRIBLE for your skin! The chemicals absorb into you - they don't sweat/rub off overnight.

I put taking off makeup at bedtime to be about as non-negotiable as brushing my teeth. The thought of putting it on again *for* bedtime is, well, kind of batshit crazy to me. And the idea of my husband never having seen me without makeup? Utterly incomprehensible, since in addition to waking up beside me, he's seen me

That. Absolutely.

The first question was interesting for me. I have the same problem, but I don't have it with a friend. I have it with my boyfriend's parents. My boyfriend is going back to school and I am working a pretty low-paying professional job, and his parents love to give us cash and gifts. I didn't come from a poor family or

Fancy food is always the best gift for someone who is hard to shop for. I assembled my cousin a "bloody mary kit" for his b'day this year, full of fancy pickled was a hit!

Wow, I would NEVER do the advice in the second one. I just don't think it's a friend's job to evaluate you professionally. You're friends! It's like church and state. You can be friends with your coworkers or even your bosses (or your interns) but I don't think you can have weighty expectations across the divide.

I accept expensive gifts graciously and since I'm pretty darn good at making preserves, I share the wealth of my jams every time local fruit season's in. If you give something someone loves and it's from the heart, cost isn't an issue among friends. Or rather, shouldn't be. For the third question... I've had random

Yeah. If I were the second letter writer, I'd probably try to let it go. If she and Anita are that close, then it might be extra risky for Anita to suggest her for the job—if she (the letter writer) doesn't end up getting the job despite the recommendation, or if she does get it and doesn't like it, or if she clashes

First, I don't disagree one bit with the advice given. However...

I have a friend who was a writer, like me. When I got a fancy job (yeah, a writing job! Talk about a unicorn!), I did everything I could to bring that friend along with me. I forwarded every job opening, I offered to help her start that blog she always talked about, I said I'd be a reference on anything writing

And it's going to ruin our children. Oh the pain, the pain of it all!