plaid gym socks

A hipster is a poseur. They want to be special and look down on everybody else for not being as special as they are.

My definition of "Hipster" (as a pejorative term) has ever been as follows: An individual who predicates their sense of self-worth on liking something before anyone else liked it, who prides themselves on enjoying things others know nothing about, and who immediately rebels against anything that could be considered

I'm under the impression that you need to have a great deal of money to be a hipster. Otherwise, maybe you are just thrifty out of necessity. There have always been people who are thrifty, and who grow their own food, buy vintage and antique, and who have DIY projects. (I just described my parents.)

My mom thinks hipster is a compliment and she's always posting on my annoyingly hipster cousin's FB wall and calling him a hipster. It is hilarious.

I had to cure myself of it, and the key is to just ask yourself, every time you say "sorry" - "what am I apologizing for?" If you're apologizing for someone elses actions (like, they bumped into you and you say "sorry!") or for a perfectly reasonable thing (your bathroom example) just make a note. I also tried to

Does anyone else not feel good about the "reclaiming" of the word bitch? I feel like using it describe ourselves when we are assertive and in control of our lives isn't empowering anyone or anything; it's just reproducing the same old stereotypes that brought the word into popular usage in the first place. Why can't

I would say that the top two lessons I've learned in my young life (which go hand in hand, really) are: 1) The importance of being assertive, and 2) The difference between being nice and being kind.

When someone calls me a bitch, I usually say "thank you!". Confuses the shit out of them.

I blasted cosmo for running an article like this a few months ago, and now my beloved Jez is doing it too?

I would say go with the one-piece to be safe. In a rational world, no one should care what kind of swimsuit you're wearing, but I doubt you'd want to deal with the probably embarrassing drama of an angry parent when you can sidestep all that risk for a few bucks.

this is so toxic. we live in a culture so passionately ambiguous about bodies. on the one hand; sexualized and sensationalized; on the other, puritanical and ascetic. To grow up in New York with billboards every which way showing you bodies that look nothing remotely like your own, you assume something is wrong with

I need an opinion, and it just so happens that the subject is related to this post!

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Some people keep calling the 1974 Gatsby the first Gatsby — how could you forget about the weird not-20s-looking-at-all Alan Ladd version from 1949?

I haaaate it when people do this to female rappers. There is room for more than one in the game

I know a girl who is OBSESSED with Udai Hussein. Like, cries all the time, has elaborate fantasies about them being together, makes pictures of him all fancy with photoshop for her desktop, etc. Obsessed. It's pretty disturbing, but it's also quite obviously attributable to this girl's autism and social disorders.

Yeah, because Charles Manson didnt have young girls lusting after him... Oh, wait...

I hadn't seen this photo before. Couldn't they have used a less smoldering picture? Impure thoughts are tainting my moral fortitude.

Also, this happens with most if not all young, hip committers of well known crimes. I find it a bit boring that Jezebel would cover this.

I'm pissed off that this guy is sort of hot, because it just gives the media more of an excuse to post these moody selfies rather than a genuinely unflattering mug shot.

Honey, there are better ways to piss off your parents. Just get a damn labret piercing like everyone else or something.

At least that is one valuable thing from this magazine