plaid gym socks

I think you are right for the majority of users. But there's also a huge group of us (in creative/visual fields) who use it as basically a vault for design we admire, tutorials we can use later, color palettes we'd like to save, etc. I love it because where I once had to pull things from all corners of the web and

If you don't get what you need with Patient Services, I would suggest calling the switchboard and asking for their Quality Management department. The hospital's QM folks would be all over this.

So sorry this happened with your mom! The best place to start would be the Patient Services department, it might also be referred to as Patient Relations. They can look into the case and exactly what was involved and get you in touch with who you need. Including the Legal Services team if that turns out to be

This is has got to be the food of the Gods.

This is going to cause problems for me given that I'm going to bed angry that I had one location right nearly to the street, pysched myself out and ended up 7,000 km away and it's, like, totally the worst thing to happen evar. Halp.

This is a good cause. These are elementary school children, who have different emotional needs and fears than adults. To say that they should use money that they probably don't even have yet (I'll donate!) to support a cause that you see as more worthy is minimizing, to say the least.

Sebelius overruled the FDA's own decision on this, which in my understanding is unprecedented; whether <I>she</I> overstepped her bounds is an excellent question.

Related to the Am I Being Selfish? question.

I hear you. And I was an approved commenter before, and now I'm just grey.

I am in the mental health profession and SSRIs can absolutely cause worsening depression, suicidal thoughts and anger. Definitely call your doctor. I would suspect the upping of the dose is bringing this on with a combination of environmental stressors- if it is that this started after starting the higher dose. Man, I

Did you know that porn stars have different make-up for their faces and butts?
Follow up question: did you know that if you're a porn star and you behave like a real diva bitch, you run the risk of your disgruntled make-up artist switching your powders and brushes so you end up with butt powder applied to your face

I don't know... is it possible that some of the famous designers influencing the way we look at and interpret fashion in America today simply didn't grow up speaking English? When I speak other languages, I'm sure I make mistakes. Someone's common mistake must be to drop an 's'. Perhaps his/her confusion comes with

It is not, it's more like "OMG, we get to love a brand new person!"

That's fine, cuz this is not about you.

Approaches must be very individual for everybody.

"S8er Boi" - Avril's lesser-known ode to a certain half-man half-goat.

Dude, you'd be surprised at the fuckery that goes on all the time there for any museum employee that has to deal with visitors. I've been called a nazi (for, y'know, insisting that someone pay something for admission which is museum policy) and other rude things. I've also got a buddy who got smacked by a visitor

Yes. It is like an emotional diarrhea.

The graffiti goes back even further! The brickies who actually built Dendur scratched the equivalent hieroglyphs for "SETI WUZ HERE" and "GEB BLOWS CAMELS FOR CA$H" on the sandstone as they were building it. The need to make your mark on something lasting is as close to a universal human urge as we can find besides

Madonna needs to check her privilege. That story is so gross and as an art/history lover I would die if I saw someone touch an artifact, its just not acceptable. I don't care how famous and wealthy you are. But then again, when I visit museums I'm always reminded of my dad's story of when his fifth grade class went to