plaid gym socks

Very interesting...

Is there a recipe difference between sweets for dogs and sweets for humans? Or is it just that the flavors are more pet-food like?

+1 for art history knowledge! I learn something new every day. :)

No problem. A 2.5 hour class doesn't sound too bad. During my freshman year our classes were 8 hours long - by the end of the day I could barely lift my arm to draw the model anymore! Thinking back on that now makes me respect them even more.

That's very interesting. Was your school a very large one? I'm asking since I wonder if that might be a factor in students volunteering to model for classes with their peers.

It probably differs between schools. I'm not sure exactly how much our models get paid (never asked, either) but according to the Internet average pay is $15/hour. My friend is also an art model at her college, and I can't remember what her pay was but she sounded very pleased with it.

Best of luck to you!

Great advice, and I'm really happy it worked out for you in the end!

Seconded. I really regret not realizing this sooner. I thought of myself as an optimist - until I started to study at a really competitive school. People get nasty very, very quickly.

There are never usually people walking on that side of the building, so when I saw this lady walking by AND looking I was so shocked I didn't do anything. In hindsight, though, I felt terrible.

I'm so curious but so afraid to look this up.

I have a lot of respect for the school models - it takes a lot of courage (and stamina) to go up on the stand and feel twenty pairs of eyes staring you down while you hold a really difficult pose. The models I've seen are usually older women and men that range the entire size spectrum, and what I really love about

I feel like the importance of gym/workout culture is really different depending on where you live. Where I'm from, it was never a big thing among guys aside from a general health and fitness standpoint. My BF, who is from California, worked out obsessively all through high school because it was just what was expected

Ever since I've been taking figure drawing and painting classes, I've found that I've become way more accepting of the "average" human body - after the initial "OMG naked person!!" shock I began to really appreciate the interesting folds and contours of the body. I feel like drawing makes you really look for and try

I think the under-chin fullness is probably due to these photos being taken mid-speech, too.

I thought this was just a triple Keanu... until I looked again.

It's funny; I always imagine Keanu Reeves to be forever 30-ish years old and looking exactly like he did in the Matrix. Granted, that's the only movie he stars in that I've ever seen.

Thanks! :)

Thank you! :) The situation really made me question the direction my project was going in but now that I've got the finished product in my hands I am glowing with pride! Got my fingers crossed for tomorrow. I've been through crit so many times but it's always super nerve-wracking.

Here's a crappy phone picture I sent to my friend earlier - didn't get time yet to take nice ones to put on my website. You can't see the inside from here, but trust me it's awesome! The book pages are made using a French fold so you can open them individually and see a night sky pattern inside. The book I took the