Pickles Demarco

looks like Ben’s got competition.

Yes, but doing it in the comment section or in an SMS message means you are an asshole.

Already been done... dangerously... ;)

I want to age like Elizabeth Hurley.

And Beyoncé’s boobs ARE bunny ears.

Beys shirt tho :/

I feel you, Anna. Butternut squash is a bitch.

That was masterful, Bobby. I was like “who could it be?!” wondering what level of horror I would reach ... and then the Lovitz shot. Just NO. I actually said, out loud, in my office all alone “NO”.

That she found a much older man isn’t the story here. It’s that the much older man happens to be Jon Lovitz. And that they teased out the big reveal over several meticulously crafted Instagram posts.

He really doesn’t seem like such a bad egg if you forget most of his 8 years.

Totally agree... i’m a feminist and progressive father with 2 sons... I am trying, my best, to raise them as feminists.

Got out of bed this morning, saw my dog walking into the room and blurted out: “Damn, doggie! Back at it again with the white paws!”

I just always assume my taste in movies is far superior if some of my friends don’t like my movie pick because I have great taste in movies and I’m a pretentious film major.

Levar Burton and Alan Tudyk ———all feels

I have a friend whose daughter has a severe dairy allergy, like anaphylaxis severe, so I’m glad to see this and will be sending this to her.

I saw a six week old Sri Lankan baby with hair damn near on his baby shoulders and the fleekiest eyebrows ever.

Oh for fuck’s sake! It’s a BABY! And why isn’t the “I” capitalized?!!??!?!

Wow. I had no idea this existed.